The following information is an idea on the amount of compensation you may receive for a personal injury claim which i have found and put together. I have always been interested in this so here it is:
Head Injury Compensation:
- Very Severe Brain Damage : £155,000 - £220,000
- Moderately Severe Brain Damage : £120,000 - £155,000
- Moderate Brain Damage : £23,500 - £120,000
- Minor Brain Damage : £8,500 - £ 23,500
- Minor Head Injury : £1,250 - £ 7,500
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Compensation:
- Severe PTSD : £34,000 - £55,000
- Moderately Severe PTSD : £12,500 - £31,750
- Moderate PTSD : £4,500 - £12,500
- Minor PTSD : £2,150 - £4,500
Dental Injury Compensation:
- Loss/Serious Damage To Several Front Teeth : £4,750 - £6,250
- Loss/Serious Damage To two Front Teeth: £2,250 -£4,000
- Loss/Serious Damage To one Front Tooth: £1,250 -£2,150
- Loss/Serious Damage To back Tooth: £600 -£1,000 per tooth
Eye Injury Compensation:
- Total Blindness and deafness: £ 220,000
- Total Blindness: £147,500
- Total loss of sight in one eye: £27,500 - £30,000
- Minor Eye Injuries: £2,150 - £4,750
- Short-lived eye injuries: £1,250 - £2,150
Hearing Loss Injury Compensation:
- Total Deafness: £50,000 - £60,000
- Total Hearing Loss In One Ear: £17,500 - £25,000
- Severe tinnitus/hearing loss: £16,000 - £25,000
- Moderate tinnitus/hearing loss: £8,000 - £16,000
- Mild Tinnitus with some hearing loss: £6,750 - £8,000
- Slight Tinnitus with slight hearing loss: £4,000 - £6,750
Psychiatric Injury Compensation:
- Chronic Pain Syndrome: £6,000 - £35,000
- Fibromyalgia: £19,000 - £35,000
- Severe psychiatric injury: £30,000 - £60,000
- Moderately severe psychiatric injury : £10,500 - £30,000
- Moderate psychiatric injury: £3,250 - £10,500
- Minor psychiatric injury: £800 - £3,250
Neck Injury Compensation:
- Quadriplegia: £175,000 - £220,000
- Severe neck injury: £30,000 - £82,000
- Neck fracture/dislocation: £13,500 - £18,000
- Moderate Neck injury : £4,250 - £13,750
- Minor neck injury: £750 - £4,250
Whiplash Injury Compensation:
- Severe Whiplash injury: £7,500 - £13,750
- Moderate whiplash injury: £4,250 - £7,750
- Minor whiplash injury: £750 - £4,250
Shoulder Injury Compensation:
- Severe Shoulder Injury: £10,500 - £26,500
- Serious shoulder injury: £6,750 - £10,500
- Moderate shoulder injury: £4,250 - £7,000
- Fractured clavicle: £2,750 - £6,500
- Minor Shoulder Injury: up to £4,500
Upper Arm Injury Compensation:
- Total loss of both arms: £132,500 - £165,000
- Amputation of one arm above elbow: £60,000 - £75,000
- Severe arm injury: £52,500 - £71,500
- Permanent disabling arm injury: £21,500 - £33,000
- Less severe arm injury: £10,500 - £21,500
Forearm Injury Compensation:
- Severe arm injury: £52,500 - £71,500
- Below-elbow amputation: £52,500 - £60,000
- Permanent disabling arm injury: £21,500 - £33,000
- Less severe arm injury: £10,500 - £21,500
- Simple forearm fracture: £3,650 - £10,500
Chest Injury Compensation:
- Removal of a lung/heart damage: £55,000 - £82,000
- Severe chest injury: £36,000 - £55,000
- Serious Chest Injury: £17,500 - £30,000
- Moderate Chest Injury: £6,750 - £10,000
- Collapsed lungs with full recovery: £1,250 - £3,000
- Fractured ribs: up to £2,150
Asbestos-related disease Compensation:
- Mesothelioma: £45,000 - £70,000
- Lung Cancer: £42,500 - £55,000
- Asbestosis: £26,500 - £58,000
- Pleural thickening: £21,000 - £42,500
- Symptomatic pleural plaques: £15,000 - £20,000
- Asymptomatic pleural plaques: £5,000 - £6,000
Thigh Injury Compensation:
- Total loss of both legs: £132,500 - £155,000
- Above-knee amputation one leg: £52,500 - £77,000
- Severe leg injury: £52,000 - £74,000
- Very Serious Leg Injury: £30,000 -£46,000
- Serious Leg injury: £ 21,500 - £30,000
- Moderate Leg injury: £ 15,250 - £21,500
- Fractured Femur: £ 5,000 - £15,250
Knee Injury Compensation:
- Very severe knee injury: £38,000 - £52,500
- Severe knee injury: £28,500 - £38,000
- Serious Knee injury: £14,750 - £23,500
- Moderate Knee injury: £8,000 - £14,750
- Modest knee injury: up to £7,500
Shin Injury Compensation:
- Below-knee amputation both legs: £110,000 - £147,000
- Below-knee amputation one leg: £50,000 - £71,500
- Severe leg injury: £52,000 - £74,000
- Very serious leg injury: £30,000 - £46,000
- Serious Leg injury: £21,500 - £30,000
- Moderate Leg injury: £15,250 - £21,500
- Leg Fracture: up to £15,250
Dog Bite Injury Compensation:
- Severe facial scarring: £16,500 - £53,000
- Noticeable scarring on body: £4,250 - £7,500
- Trivial facial scarring: £1,000 - £1,900
Ankle Injury Compensation:
- Very severe ankle injury: £27,500 - £38,000
- Severe ankle injury: £17,500 - £27,500
- Moderate ankle injury: £7,250 - £14,750
- Modest Ankle injury: up to £7,250
Foot Injury Compensation:
- Achilles tendon injury: £4,000 - £20,000
- Amputation of both feet: £93,000 - £110,000
- Amputation of one foot: £46,000 - £60,000
- Severe foot injury: £25,000 - £37,000
- Serious foot injury: £12,750 - £21,500
- Moderate foot injury: £7,500 - £13,750
- Modest foot injury: up to £7,500
Source by Jamie Payne