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5 Common Plastic Surgery Options

Plastic surgery has the ability to offer plenty of long-lasting and gratifying benefits for a person's appearance. In later life, the skin will start to lose its elasticity which can result in wrinkles or fine lines in the area of the neck, mouth, eyes, or forehead. Additionally, there are those that develop or born with certain defects that can be improved with the right plastic surgery.

Let's take a look at a few of the most common plastic surgery options:


A facelift (also called rhytidectomy) is a very popular option to help lessen the appearance of aging. It helps to give a fresher and firmer appearance. There are several types of surgery to perform on the face with the preferred choice relating to the significance of the wrinkles and the skin laxity.


A nose job (rhinoplasty) is performed for many different reasons. It is not only used to help people unhappy with the natural look of their nose, but also to help in the event of an accident or injury. For instance, a deviated septum can make it difficult to breathe, which can easily be repaired with the right treatment.


The official name for eyelid surgery is blepharoplasty. The eyelids have the tendency to start to drop later in life which in the most noticeable situation can have an impact on the vision. For many people, the eyelid surgery will help to rectify this problem. However, for the most serious issues it may be necessary to use a few other procedures in combination with eyelid surgery to correct the problem.

Brow lift

A brow lift (also called a forehead lift) can be very effective at creating the younger look, while also making someone appear friendlier and more alert. Anyone with the very noticeable wrinkles around the eyes and deep sagging brows may look like they are frowning with an unfriendly and mean look. By performing the brow lift it is possible to remove the lines and wrinkles in these areas to create a much fresher appearance.

Facial fillers

Facial fillers can be combined with Botox injections to help achieve a fuller and smoother look. The facial fillers are a great option to help improve the gaunt looking facial look, as well as to get rid of heavy lines and wrinkles. This type of treatment is preferred by those people who want to avoid the more evasive procedures, such as full facial surgery.

Source by Leo Eigenberg

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