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Why Should I Use a Ghostwriter?

People often don't understand exactly why you should use the services of a professional ghostwriter. I'll try to answer this question within this article, at least somewhat. These ideas come from my freelance writing experience, which I've had since before 1980. And my online affordable ghostwriting services business experience, as of 2003 and further, involving over 300 books, films and other projects.

For one thing, in order to become a proper ghostwriter, you must start out as a professional freelance writer. Or you must begin as some type of professional writer, working for pay for other people. If not, you'll require an English (or other language or languages) degree(s) at an established university. Unless you've got "mad skills" at writing by yourself. Even then, you really must work as a writer and be published several times, in many different places.

Then, it becomes a matter of setting up your shingle. Online, this is done by setting up a ghostwriting services website. Also by being on social networks, joining writer's groups... endless finding ways to promote your ghostwriting business. There is a lot on and offline. Join lots of writing, editing, marketing, publishing and other groups, activities and organizations.

You might start out as a book manuscript editor - pretty good work. Charging much less, until you get your feet in the doors you seek. You might be able to churn out great copy that follows guidelines. Or otherwise write well enough. But your work usually needs editing as you go.

Also, that you can make pretty decent money. As a freelance writer, working as a ghostwriter. Anywhere from $24,000 to $500,000 USD or more per year. People gripe about it all the time, as though it's such an arduous chore. It's just a way for your author clients who don't really write. Or who don't have the time. Or the skills. And they hire a professional freelance writer, the ghostwriter. To work on their book, screenplay, music, business documents or other ghostwriting services project. Our agency does that all the time.

Then, the author usually takes the credit for the work. But the ghostwriter gets upfront pay. For turning out hopefully excellent written copy. The author gets the credit, the ghost gets the money. Sometimes, if marketing goes well, the author also gets payment for the work published or otherwise sold under their own name. Instead of under the ghostwriter's name. This is not plagiarism, poor man's work, or anything else so awful. Ghostwriters can make decent money. Helping author clients take ideas out into full fruition.

A lot of these authors are celebrities. There are also memoirs written by ordinary people, who need professional assistance. Sometimes, partial credit is shared, with an "As told to So and So" the ghostwriter. You can run a whole ghostwriting services agency this way. With shared credit instead of only upfront pay. But nowadays, most ghosts accept just payment(s) in advance. Check it out carefully before you hire a ghost or do any work as a ghost. You don't want to get in over your head. Writing for someone and not getting paid for it.

The idea in general is the ghost gets paid upfront. Then the author gets professional, polished work. When the author doesn't have time to write it themselves. Nor the skills. Or the established knowledge in their fields. At least, not enough of it for a great job of work. A lot of business people hire ghosts to write their copy. Because they simply are not writers themselves. Or they can write, but something precludes it. Time is of the essence, you know? Business people and memoir clients especially seek out our help.

There's always something that makes their own work sound amateur. Inadequate. Confusing. Stilted, lazy, boring, not the work of a pro writer in other words. Sometimes clients even have major learning disabilities. There are plenty of people who can read, but not really write! At least, not in American English. I've had a lot of English as a second language clients. You can see the problems right away. However, it takes a while to understand the client, too. Often. Communication and trust are essential. You have to establish a rapport. If you don't, money, faith and time become serious issues.

I've noticed my clients tend to repeat their wording too frequently. Or write abysmally. They don't have lots of time to spare editing their own work, is usually what it is. But they need to supply you with plenty of background material. In order for the ghost to not be truly writing their project for them. There are ghosts who do this; the author gets all the credit, and all the work was done by the ghost completely.

I've never quite worked this way myself. Although I have done over half of the entire book or project. There's a reverse case: some of the author clients eventually learn how to write from their ghosts. It's a lot of different case scenarios. I've been doing this since 2003, so I know a lot. About what most people don't understand about working as or with a ghost. But I'm forever learning something new. Over time, I've learned to send work out to experts in various specialties. Instead of taking it all on myself. I have ghosts now working for this ghost, so I can spare time for other things.

Other than that, author clients certifiably need to have a professional writer go over things. Or they simply won't be properly published or reasonable read by their audiences. A once over before publication, or a complete job done by the ghost on nothing but scratch material. An online freelance ghostwriter or book editor will do these things for you! But in most cases, the author client must pay the writer. In installments upfront, or through other upfront methods. Unpaid writers do not do very good work, you see?

Book coach, book guidance, book proposals to land 50% advances, and many other types of ghostwriting services done. The music field is especially overflowing with new ghostwriters. Rap and hip hop artists are usually using ghosts nowadays. The camaraderie, communication and rapport through ghost partnerships are genuine and fulfilling. You get moral support for all (or at least most of) your projects this way. If they are original ideas, yours, and somehow something that might sell.

Or a beloved family memoir, or other life story, to be finally gotten out to the world. Supportive abuse victims are great clients. For overcoming huge obstacles and being success stories. A great life makes a great history for your family, friends and others. You keep the copyrights, the ghost gets paid. That is the most important thing to a ghostwriter - earning a living, making the bills on time. Landing paying, important and wonderful clients. In a manner that works, that's on schedule roughly at least. Where it all works out for both parties.

Sometimes, a client isn't pleased with the ghost or the work. And too often, with anything but their own ideas or schedules. And some clients are downright impossible! It's never fun to work for a bully, a huge rush client (I need it from the beginning of the project by tomorrow, by the way, it's 200 pages long) or someone who downgrades their ghostwriter.

People who want a full book manuscript, finished and ready to go to printing in one week make no sense at all. Even when it's a 35-50 page eBook, the ghost will need a bit more time than that, always. Some ghosts can do rush work, but it's usually what it sounds like. You can edit in one-two weeks, but not ghostwrite, unless it's very short and simple. But equally as important is the fulfillment of committing to a job well done. The ghost's records must indicate they did excellent work - so they are hired again. A ghost who does poor work is punished, please be aware of that. By not getting further jobs!

And you as the ghostwriter, you've got to make sure everything reads soundly, wisely - and good enough for government work. Far better than that, if you want to make any real money. Your client will be checking off whatever you do, while paying you for it. The idea is the client and the ghost talk, write or communicate somehow often enough. To establish the basis for the work. You take time off, so does the client, and you let each other know about things.

Often, clients are hiring special, distinct skill sets in a ghostwriter. So that their written copy can sell. Widely, or to a definite platform or other well-established book or other market. We offer broad-based marketing services to handle any platform needs. And your work must sing, chant, illuminate and roar! Or at least read professionally enough so that the author is not embarrassed by how sloppy things look. Or how poorly their original works would have sounded, if they hadn't hired a professional ghostwriter.

Hire a professional ghostwriter or book editor, that's the ticket. Or some other professional. Not just your next-door neighbor, your cousin or a "special friend." For it's true, if you get a sloppy, poor, risky, inadequate or outright crooked ghost - you won't be happy. This can of course be due to sickness on your and/or the ghost's part, or even a car wreck. It's important to trust fully enough to not be taken in, but to not be oversuspicious. Life is an integral part of things.

Accidents happen. Computers blow up, spouses die, family fortunes sink overnight. The American and world economies matter. But, why be pessimistic about it? Life is too short. Things usually go quite well for any and every worthwhile ghostwriting services project. Even when you land the wrong ghost, rewriter or editor! Because fortunately, you can always hire a new ghost and then get much better work. Through the years, we've helped such clients get back on their writer's feet, frequently. Check out a ghostwriter soon! Or for that matter, become one yourself and see what you can do.

Source by Karen S Cole

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