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7 Tips To Hiring Arizona Roofing Contractors

The roofing contractors in places such as Arizona are reputable. Yet people do regularly come up with incidents where they were misled and cheated. The Members of the Arizona Roofing Contractors Association are concerned with this facet of the roofing business and want to put an end to it.

They have in fact, chalked out several strategies to counter the misdeeds by such contractors while performing roof installation, roof repair or roof replacement. While, these points may not prove to be absolute insulation to such cheating and "rip-offs" by Arizona contractors, but they will certainly act as a guard against such unscrupulous acts by these ruffians in the cloak of roofing contractors.

1. Only licensed contractors are to be considered for the job

When you strike a deal with a roofer for roof repairs, seek his license number or license id on his card, proposal or letterhead. If he does possess one, he will be glad to flaunt it to you. If he does not, or has been "exempted", then he is risky for you. C-42 (residential), L-42 (commercial), and K-42 (dual) are the Arizona roofing licenses and anything else is forged or not from the State of Arizona .

2. License verification

Arizona Registrar of Contractors at (602) 542-1525 should be contacted to verify the roofing contractors' license. The license holder should be current, have not many complaints lodged against him and a properly classified professional in the respective field. A few complaints should not be a deterrent to you as most contractors are subject to unfounded and minimal complaints.

3. Acquire insurance

Before allowing anyone to step foot onto your roof make sure he is properly insured. This includes liability as well as Workers' compensation insurance. This makes you safe against witty third party claims and lawsuits if accidents and injuries and damages not done by you happen during the period of contract.

4. Know your contractor well

The Arizona Registrar of Contractors and the Better Business Bureau may provide you with necessary details that are not superficially visible, about your roofing contractor. This is important as not only high positioned and high profile contractors are good. Referrals and a reality check on the contractor's track record may be sufficient to know whether he is your man or not.

5. Know your priorities

While going into a signed deal, always maintain what you want. Prioritize your objectives with the them and obtain a clearly defined price list. It should also include all unforeseen expenditures and roof repair liabilities in advance. Document the contract in paper as well, for further reference and maintaining a secured deal with the contractor later on.

6. Understand the terms of contract

Usually a roofing contractor mentions his terms and conditions in the contract. You should make it clear to acquire the meaning and understanding of those terms in full. There might be some uncommon terms served but you should contact a local roofing professional and clear your doubts.

7. Price and Warranty should not be your sole guide

Even though most reputable roofing companies have warranties and reasonable prices, but they should not be your only criteria to select someone for your roof repairs. Lower prices should not be considered the bets as the roofing contractor may carve out a shorter and negative (for you) way of completing the project.

Source by Steven Briesemeister

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