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An Inspirational Mesothelioma Success Story - How We Are Proving This Deadly Cancer Is Beatable

There are countless books & stories online of how people have beaten all types of cancer without the need for orthodox treatments, yet stories of success against mesothelioma remain relatively rare & hard to come by. This is the main reason for sharing our experiences & success, in the hope of reaching the attention of those who need to know that mesothelioma by no means has to be the equivalent of their death sentence.

The main cause of mesothelioma relates to exposure to asbestos, with 1 in 10 people having previous asbestos exposure at some time later in life developing pleural mesothelioma. Around 80% of all people diagnosed with mesothelioma can recall being exposed to asbestos at some time in their lives & it is the presence of these asbestos fibres within the body which makes this such an aggressive form of cancer & a complicated one to beat.

Anyone who has themselves been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or who may be supporting a loved one will be well aware that the medical prognosis is not good. The average life expectancy from diagnosis is around 9-18 months, with a sharp decline in health & quality of life to be expected. As far as the reason for this disease taking a hold so many years after asbestos exposure remains somewhat of a mystery, perhaps a decline in the strength of the immune system or certain nutrients within the body which assist in the protection of our cells, which comes with age? A fairly likely explanation, yet how come so many people who have worked daily with asbestos over such a long period of time never develop mesothelioma, when others whose contact with asbestos may have only been brief end up developing this deadly disease? Are those who do not get mesothelioma simply lucky, or healthier than those who do? Well in my opinion the underlying causes here run far deeper than medical understanding & whilst it is possible that lifestyle factors may play a big role in the cause, we must consider that everything happens for a reason in this life & as for the outcome, well there is always a choice.

Just because one person (your oncologist) tells you this is how your life is now going to be & that you must accept this & prepare for what lies ahead, such as booking into a home etc. does not mean that this has to be the case. Even if you go get a second, third or even fourth opinion from other doctors - remember they all studied from the same textbooks, so to speak. They may well deal with people every day in similar circumstances but they too are likely to only be as good as what these people tell them, they do not know where else to turn. The answers you seek do exist; they just lie elsewhere & are in fact far simpler than most people would care to believe.

Our story

Our story began on the 11th February 2010, when the confusion over what was actually wrong with my Dad came to a close. He had gone to the doctors a while before having had difficulty breathing & after being referred for further tests & scans had already been wrongly diagnosed twice. The first suspicion was lung cancer, but then they called him in & revealed that the growth was in fact in front of his lung & so posed much less of a threat as it should be much easier to treat. We, as his family had raised hopes, only for them to be crushed beyond belief. As all those in similar situations will well know, this is the most harrowing time, to discover that the person or one of the people you love most in this world & have so much respect for is to face such a horrific & tragic end. It just does not seem right or fair in any way whatsoever, plus it always seems to be the good people in the world that such things happen to. My Dad has always been very successful, worked hard all his life & most of all his family are the world to him, he would truly do anything for us, yet we were supposed to stand back & just watch him suffer until he became almost helpless. "I don't think so!" After a week or so of being completely inconsolable, my anguish turned to determination. I became sure that there were answers out there somewhere, I just had to find them somehow & so I got to work. I spent full days, for weeks on end reading & learning all about cancer from various perspectives & mainly at cellular level & combined this with my own spiritual insight & guidance to gain an understanding of how this could be overcome. In the meantime my Dad had decided to go with the recommendation of his oncologist for a course of chemotherapy, a decision which he would come to regret somewhat. Apart from the awful suffering he had to undergo as part of the side effects of this treatment, it was completely unsuccessful & had no effect whatsoever on the growth of his tumour. After all he had been through this news left him feeling very down & depressed & in acceptance of what was to become his fate. To make matters worse fluid was building up on his lungs making him fell very tired & breathless & poorly. He was admitted to hospital for the removal of the fluid & at this point was in a very bad way. They removed 3 litres of fluid from his left lung & for the week following the procedure he was in immense pain & was unable to leave his hospital bed; it was a terrible time for us all as it was such an awful thing to witness. I think that having gone through all this was what made my Dad turn the corner; he had had enough pain & more than enough suffering now & was prepared to try anything if it meant he did not have to go through any more. The week after he came home from the hospital he began the protocol I had designed for him & the improvement began almost immediately.

The fundamental principles to success

Although mesothelioma, due to the presence of asbestos fibres in whichever area of the body where the cancer is located, is slightly more complicated than other types of cancer; it is still cancer & cancer cells of any kind function in the same way. They need a supportive environment in which to survive, they are alive & all living things can survive only in certain conditions, when these necessities for survival are removed, they will perish. It is rather like a plant; you put the plant in a closed cupboard, therefore denying it of sunlight & it will get weaker, even if you still water it, it cannot survive without sunlight as this provides a source of energy which the plant converts to chlorophyll. This is the process which enables the plant to function at optimal health & therefore allowing it to thrive.

Both healthy cells & cancer cells need to produce energy to survive, they just happen to have complete opposite methods in achieving this. A healthy cell is aerobic, it uses oxygen to produce energy; a cancer cell in anaerobic & hates oxygen. Instead cancer cells produce energy through the intake of glucose. Already there is one clear method emerging through which we can weaken the cancer cells & boost the performance of our healthy cells; starve the cancer cells of glucose & get oxygen to our cells.

We can easily starve cancer cells of glucose by not eating any sugar! In practice, however, this is slightly more complicated than cutting out the two sugars in your coffee. Everything you buy which is pre-packaged contains sugar, from ready meals to baked beans -EVERYTHING! Anything such as fizzy drinks claiming to be sugar free should be avoided anyway for other reasons.

Cancer cells like high acidity levels, therefore foods which are acidic should also be avoided. The main area for confusion here exists around certain fruits, which may be loaded with cancer fighting nutrients, yet are acidic. My advice would be to cut out fruit for the first few weeks of your alternative treatment plan & then introduce it gradually. Blueberries & pomegranates are good ones, as are all berries due to their antioxidant properties. Bananas must be completely avoided though. An inexpensive way to neutralise the body's pH levels is to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water & drink 1/2 hr. before meals. Be careful to ensure the baking soda you purchase does not contain aluminium.

The intake of cancer killing nutrients & the protection of healthy cells can also be achieved to a large extent through diet. It is advisable to compliment the diet with certain supplements which will help replace the nutrients known to be deficient in mesothelioma sufferers & to help boost the immune system, as well as overall health. When selecting your supplements please be careful; many supplements manufactured today are Genetically Modified, always try to find ones composed of completely natural ingredients. I have a list of recommended sources on my website.

It is vital that when attempting to beat mesothelioma, or any other type of cancer, that you are aware of everything you put into your body; it is either fighting cancer or feeding it. It is therefore essential that a cancer diet is strictly adhered to. There are many interpretations of what people consider to be the best foods to eat & avoid as part of the cancer diet, my advice would be to just be sensible about what you eat. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

· NO SUGAR or artificial sweeteners - for the reasons mentioned above.

· Avoid acidic foods - the reasons for this I have already mentioned.

· No Dairy - There are a number of reasons for this; dairy produce is mucus forming & cancer cells love mucus, also the animals are injected/ fed with chemicals which enable them to produce milk all year round. (My Dad substitutes dairy with organic goat produce.)

· No Meat - A little organic chicken once per week is fine.

· No Bread - Contains sugar & yeast.

· Avoid Soya - Many health experts are advising to avoid soya due to the discovery that it is GM modified, in most cases.

· Eat Organic - I am sure most people are aware of the dangers imposed on our health through the use of pesticides & other additives for preservation purposes etc.

· Eat your Greens - Green, leafy vegetables are a good source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has so many benefits to our physical health & our connection with spirituality.

· Eat raw - Most of us have heard about how cooking destroys many of the valuable nutrients found in fruit & veg. Well this is true & even if a completely raw food diet does not appeal to you, try to at least achieve a substantial intake of raw vegetables each day. The best way to do this is to buy a good quality juicer, preferably one which also juices grasses. Carrots, beetroot & asparagus make excellent ingredients for your juices.

· Grasses - Wheatgrass & Baleygrass have a vast array of benefits for fighting cancer & can be added to your raw vegetable juices for increased potency. I would also recommend Chlorella Powder, as chlorella is the best source of chlorophyll that exists. In addition to this it contains every single nutrient in the human body in their natural form, its cells are almost identical to that of haemoglobin & it purifies the blood & is excellent for detoxification.

· Oils - Good quality oils such as extra virgin olive oil, not the regular cooking oils, can be used to dress salads & for cooking. They are an excellent source of good calories & are very good for those struggling with weight loss, as well as having various other health benefits.

The Budwig Diet

This should be an integral part of every cancer patient's regime & it has been used to cure many cancer patients, even many with just weeks left, thanks to the work of Dr. Joanna Budwig, who dedicated her life to healing people with cancer through her discovery of the amazing benefits of organic cottage cheese & flax seed oil against this disease. She actually proved this recipe to be effective against many, many other diseases as well & her life's work is still remembered & used by thousands of people with varying conditions worldwide today. The Budwig diet is well known about in Germany, the birth country of Dr. Joanna Budwig, but is less commonly known of in other parts of the world.

Preparation instructions

You will need:

Organic Cottage Cheese

Organic Flax Seed Oil

1 tsp Organic Honey



Spoon your organic cottage cheese into a blender & add the flax oil. The correct ratio for these ingredients is:

2 parts organic cottage cheese: 1 part organic flax seed oil

Add 1 tea spoon of organic honey to sweeten.

Blend for up to 5 mins. or until the ring of oil has completely disappeared from round the edge.


Can be refrigerated to store.

Serving Suggestions: For a great cancer-fighting snack or dessert serve on a bed of fresh blueberries, raspberries or with dried acai berries.

The belief factor

We have discussed about the importance of diet & nutrition, the next thing which is equally important is "Belief!"

I can understand that initially it may be very difficult to have every faith in the renewal of your health, especially given the outlook from your oncologist's perspective. I guarantee, though, that once you begin with your cancer diet & especially with the addition of some powerful healing & cancer fighting supplements the effects will be felt very quickly & then you may just begin to believe in your ability to overcome this.

Even the most sceptical people about alternative treatments, if they just give the diet & a few supplements a try, they will have to admit in the end that it is doing them good; I know this because my Dad was the ultimate skeptic on such forms of treatment, but now he would never stop what he is doing & is keen to do more & more of it.

Making plans for the future & starting projects are an excellent idea; you are accepting you will be here & in good enough health to see them through & 'you are now believing!'

Emotional blockages to recovery

In addition to believing & having faith in your recovery, there are more often than not other emotional issues which need addressing.

Stress is the main obstacle here & in many cases of mesothelioma, more generally cancer, prolonged periods of intense stress & worry may have been a direct cause. When we suffer over a long period of time with such intense levels of stress & we see no way out, our immune system actually starts to shut down. It is almost like you are telling your body, through the intensity of your thoughts, that you see no escape from your circumstances & your body hears, as well as senses your anguish & so it answers your pleas & begins to provide you with a way out; it begins to shut down the effective functioning of your immune system & so disease has the door opened for its take-over. This will not be the case for everyone, yet it does give a viable explanation as to why 40 years or so after asbestos exposure, this disease may suddenly take a hold. The immune system has the ability to repair damage to cells & keep their healthy functioning in check, whether the cause is stress related or possibly due to poor lifestyle habits it does make perfect sense that in some way it has been compromised for cancer to begin to grow within the body.

Even if you do not believe that stress played any direct role in the cause of mesothelioma for you personally, the above does give a good indication of how negative its impact can be on your health & therefore all stress must be completely eliminated from everyday life.

Another possible emotional blockage can be one that relates to issues from childhood. Sometimes, even if this is rooted deep down in the subconscious, when life situations occur which reminds you of these issues from childhood they can cause emotional imbalance, which needs to be resolved.

A new start

You may find that being diagnosed with such a serious illness such as mesothelioma, especially if you choose an alternative treatment path, will cause you to address so many areas of your life & develop a completely new relationship with so many of the things you had previously never given a second thought about. The main one perhaps being food & just what a 'treat' may now be classed as; a chocolate role which can cause you so much harm or a fresh carrot juice, which will give you an almost instant lift & continued intake will be assisting in the saving of your life! It is time to realise the true purpose of food & its amazing potential for fighting disease & maintaining good all round health, not for just tasting nice for the time it is in your mouth!

Overcoming cancer is an extremely spiritual process & you will likely find yourself rediscovering your faith in the spiritual, or perhaps discovering it for the first time. Prayer should be practiced every day & your bond with the powers greater than yourself will strengthen & assistance & guidance will granted to you through prayer.

Many things & aspects of your life will perhaps take on a new meaning, embrace this & know that it is all part of the learning experience you were given & that you will emerge all the wiser, stronger & happier when you can turn round & look back on all this with your health renewed.

Source by Amanda Sharpe

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