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Asbestos Exposure - Do You Know the Risks it Can Bring You?

Asbestos exposure can be a cause of many health problems. Asbestos is said to be the major cause of more than a few health problems and thousands of people have been found to suffer from conditions brought about by being exposed to this harmful material.

Some asbestos-related illnesses do does not give off visible symptoms until many years later and it can even take decades for the signs to come out. At the same time, some people can have severe ailments within a few months of exposure from it.

Asbestos contributes to bring about variety of illnesses from bronchitis to emphysema and below are some of these illnesses that you might get from being exposed to it:

* Asbestosis - is a chronic progressive disease that you acquire as a result to long-term asbestos exposure. Once asbestos biers are inhaled, these pass through the air passages and lodge, inflame, irritate and scar the lung tissues thus, causing this disease.

* Lung Cancer - exposure from the asbestos increases the risk of having lung cancer by nine times more than that of cigarette smoking. A combination of asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking is a very dangerous combination to have.

* Mesothelioma - asbestos can develop this fatal disease that affects the abdomen, chest and areas around the heart. Asbestos fibers that are breathed in, lodge in the linings of the lungs and eventually cause the cells to mutate and become cancerous. Mesothelioma is notoriously hard to detect and quite often mistaken for other cancers so it really essential to document all details. An estimated 70% to 80% of Mesothelioma cases are brought about by various degrees of asbestos exposure.

With all the arguments about the way asbestos related disease can be handled in courts, it is good to get back to the basics and that is - being exposed to asbestos is dangerous to your health and can lead to several illnesses including cancer. Anyone working on buildings or items that contain asbestos is at very high risk of developing any of the diseases mentioned above.

Asbestos exposure can eventually cause death, so if you are exposed to asbestos this is enough reason to consult a doctor rather than wait for any symptoms to come out.

Source by Tammy Foster

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