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Asbestos Removal Cost Fire Station One Million Pounds

At an expense of over 1 million to the taxpayer, asbestos that has been found in 38 different fire stations in South Wales, UK has been removed. A station in the country's capital was found to need urgent attention along with stations in 7 other towns. The cost of the removal was revealed after a Freedom of Information request from Chris Franks, a member of the Welsh political party, Plaid Cymru.

The figure represented the majority of the stations in south Wales with only 5 passing inspection. The majority of the asbestos found was of the lesser toxic white variety although the extremely toxic brown variety was found at a minority. According to the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, nearly 300,000 was spent on the removal of asbestos with the costs at each premises ranging from 1,000 to 35,000 with an extra 170,000 also spent on refurbishment works.

The head of South Wales Fire and Rescue has written to ministers to highlight the severe impact the cost has had on the budget for the services in the region. Although the work is essential, it will place a significant burden on the financial abilities of the public sector, something that cannot be taken lightly in the emergency services especially during a time of severe cuts.

The removal of asbestos is required by law to be undertaken by qualified professionals and handled and disposed of correctly. There are many scams involving people and businesses being charged huge sums for work that can be done much cheaper claiming that due to strict laws they have no choice but to charge that price.

The use of asbestos is outlawed but many buildings predating the ban have copious amounts lining the walls and ceilings as a fireproof insulation. Some types of asbestos are considered fairly safe if in tact but once it becomes damaged or begins to age; it can release lethal fibres into the air causing fatal diseases such as Mesothelioma or Asbestosis.

Source by Tom Doerr

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