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Basic Facts About Estate Planning Lawyers

By definition, a real estate planning lawyer is an attorney who gives legal advice to clients who own assets that need to be managed during their incapacity or death. This includes the granting or release of these assets to heirs, and the payment of corresponding estate taxes to the state.

Basic Responsibilities of Estate Law Attorneys

Estate planning attorneys are responsible for the determination of specific distribution of their client's estate to their heirs. They are also the most knowledgeable people who can give advice to clients who plan to set up a trust where assets are saved and reserved for a specific beneficiary. These law practitioners draft wills and other documents that revolve around trusts and estate planning.

Aside from taking care of estate plans and trusts, estate planning lawyers are the best persons who can give insights regarding retirement plans and life insurance laws. They also settle trusts, real estate plans, wills, and related deeds that need court litigation.

An effective estate law attorney is one who has a detailed knowledge of property, trust, wills, and state and federal tax laws.

Actually, there are two kinds of estate law attorneys, the litigation real estate attorney and the transactional real estate attorney. Transactional attorneys work on the preparation of documents, review of the documents and negotiate terms, and perform other tasks to get things done on behalf of their clients. The litigation attorney on the other hand, works to resolve in the court of law, real estate transactions that have legal impediments.

What is Real Estate?

Real estate refers to a person's assets, property or holdings. It is deemed as a person's net worth at any given time, minus his liabilities. It is important to engage the services of an estate planning lawyer in the disposal or distribution of his estates because it makes the process more systematic and it helps to increase the estate value by way of reduced taxes and other expenses.

What is Probate?

Probate is the first and primary step in the legal procedure of managing a deceased person's estate. It is the process of validating and approving a person's will through the probate court. It makes the will a legal document which can be enforced.

These are the most basic facts regarding real estate and estate planning lawyers. These will be your first step should you want to establish a trust or find a lawyer to work for the distribution of your estate.

Source by Toby King

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