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Basics and Benefits of Yoga

Can the power of yoga really cure us? Is it true that if you have a medical ailment, yoga could be the answer to your prayers? Have you heard about the story of Sue Cohen? She is an accountant, 54 years old who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She claims that after her surgery, she could not lift her arm at all. That was around 5 years ago. Today, Sue Cohen is cancer-free and can move freely. In fact she can even stand on her head! Sue Cohen believes that what cured her was yoga. She was encouraged through yoga to do things she never thought she could, and she did!

Many more have come forward claiming that the power of yoga brought them back to form. They feel lighter in spirit, less to no stress, and many, many more positive changes in their perspective and physical aspect. Some have even reported having been able to lose weight, quit smoking, conquer fears, and improve overall performance.

So, what's the actual power of yoga that can effect these changes? Or are they just mere assumptions that have no basis or scientific logic behind it? Technically, the power of yoga is in the mind because there have been no substantive study that will back up any of these claims. While they may be true, they are not confirmed by science, Western science.

There is a huge difference between the Western and Eastern ways. In India, yoga is encouraged because they believe that it is a holistic way of approaching life. Yoga tries to blend all aspects of your life. It is a way of seeing the world. Through meditation, discipline, and a philosophical way of looking at you in conjunction with the world around you, yoga tries to take you to higher levels of "maturity."

The power of yoga lies in you. You have to practice and learn how to look beyond what is materialistic and earthly, to see a world that can be peaceful and stress-free. Many celebrities endorse yoga as a means of getting in touch with their inner self. It is also considered by them as a form of mental and physical exercise. These celebrities have made yoga a byword in our society. By practicing it and talking about it, people have come to know, try and appreciate yoga as a form of release.

The power of yoga is not in the postures and poses, but in the meditative breathing techniques that will teach you to develop mental clarity, get you to be happier with life and more relaxed.
The reason many famous people have been doing yoga is probably because they are in very stressful surroundings. They needed a release, and they have found it in yoga. That is the power of yoga.

It brings inner peace which is seen in the faces and attitudes of the yoga advocates. So many have come to be a part of the yoga trend, the figures doubling in the last 5 years alone. If you step into a health club, the probability that you will find a yoga class is pretty high. You should try it because it can change your life. The power of yoga have worked on millions of people worldwide, why won't it work on you?

Source by Kalpana Joshi

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