Bellamora is a brand new MLM opportunity which sells a revolutionary new cream designed to heal burns, wrinkles, blemishes, and other skin complaints. But does it really work or is it a rip-off?
Bellamora Cream - What's It All About?
The Bellamora cream has been developed from a burn cream invented by Dr. Bruce Miller. According to the story Dr. Miller stumbled upon the secret formula by accident while he was actually working on a treatment for skin viruses. For more than 20 years he developed the cream with a retired chemist from the world-renowned pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson. When he had a nasty accident and suffered serious burns he applied his cream and was amazed by the results.
He decided to sell the product by network marketing, meaning that instead of being available in drug stores or supermarkets it is only available from Distributors. This method of selling could work because it will allow people to spread the benefits of the product through word-of-mouth.
Bellamora Product - What They Don't Tell You
The problem with word-of-mouth is that can be a very slow and painstaking process. You could spend an entire day travelling across state to hold a meeting where you might only speak to 10 people, and most of them might decide they are not interested.
You could put up flyers or hand out free samples, but most people simply don't know enough people to make this kind of marketing profitable.
If you want to use word-of-mouth to tell people about the Bellamora the best way to do it is by using the internet. Instead of speaking to 10-20 people at a time you can have access to thousands of people all over the world at the click of a button. You can write articles, comment on forums, create a Facebook or Twitter Fan Page, start a blog, and advertise online for example. The best bit about doing this is that even when you are asleep, people on the other side of the world will just be waking up and logging on to their computers. It is the marketing that never stops giving!
Word-of-mouth is very important, but the way that people think about word-of-mouth is changing. The internet is a phenomenal tool, and you can use it to make yourself rich.
The Bellamora products are good, you just need to find a way of spreading the word. The internet could be the answer to this problem.
To find out how you can use the internet to tell the world about Bellamora, see the Bellamora Success Tips.
Source by Joshua Fuson