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Caution: Don't Settle Your ATV Accident Claim Too Quickly

While ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) have a reputation for being unwieldy and dangerous, it is also an opportunity for a lot of fun. Being properly instructed in how to care for and operate the ATV can make all the difference between having great outdoor fun, or a tragic accident. It's all too common to hear about a terrible accident with adults and children who have been seriously injured or killed riding these vehicles. People don't keep in mind that like any other type of vehicle, an ATV can be dangerous. You need to learn how to operate one in much the same way as a car, sports utility vehicle, motorcycle or truck. People don't just buy a car or other vehicle and expect to take it out and drive it fast and still be safe. They take instruction, pass a test, and practice, practice practice. Unfortunately, this is not always the case when talking about an All Terrain Vehicle.

What can you do if you or your children want to be involved in this fun sport? Learn the right way to operate your vehicle, and learn the laws regarding what you can do and cannot do. Most accidents which involve an ATV are due to the vehicle being used improperly, or by ignorance on the part of the rider. While there are no guarantees for safety, taking sound precautions in operating them will help to minimize the risk of an ATV accident.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, no one under the age of 16 should be allowed to operate a full sized ATV. This is one of the reasons that many manufacturers are producing ones that have less powerful engines, which are easier for a child to control. Also, before any child is allowed to ride an ATV they must be made aware of the correct rules and procedures for operating such vehicles. There are many training courses available which will teach the correct procedures for driving and how to handle any problems which may come up. Children and ATVs can have a great time, or be a great danger. Education is the key.

If you have been involved in an ATV accident, use caution before reaching a claim settlement agreement with the insurance company. Do you really know the cause of the All Terrain Vehicle accident? You may think you do, but many accidents are caused by improperly functioning elements of the vehicle. This is certainly a case where you would want to consult with an ATV lawyer who has both the experience with actual cases, and with knowledge of how to use and operate the vehicles themselves.

Source by Jeffrey S Dawson

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