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Common Examples of Intentional Torts

Personal injury lawsuits arise from civil claims involving tort law. A tort is defined as a civil wrongdoing that causes another person harm. Although most civil "wrong-doings" generally occur as a result of negligence and recklessness, sometimes, individuals deliberately cause harm to others. These are called "intentional torts." Continue reading to learn some of the most common examples of intentional torts, and what to do if you are a victim of deliberate harm.

Under tort law, when a person intentionally behaves in a way that causes another person harm, it is categorized as an intentional tort. Intentional torts can have both criminal and civil repercussions for the at-fault party. These penalties vary from state to state, but may include mandated court orders, fines, restitution, probation, jail, travel restrictions, bans, and more. There are numerous kinds of general intentional torts that can be committed. Two of the most common are assault and battery.

Assault and Battery

Assault and battery are two separate torts, so one can happen without the other, or both can occur at the same time. Assault is a deliberate attempt or threat to inflict injury that puts another person in fear of impending bodily harm. This means that a person does not have to actually be touched to be a victim of assault.

Battery is the deliberate act of touching another person in a damaging or offensive way without their consent. It can be either civil or criminal depending on the circumstances of the act. For instance, if a person simply touches a victim without the victim's consent, the act would fall under civil battery; however, if there was intent to do harm, it would fall under criminal battery.

There are several other types of battery as well, such as medical battery and toxic battery. If a doctor administers a non-emergency procedure or medication to a patient without their consent, it could be considered medical battery since the doctor touched the patient without obtaining consent first. Toxic battery can occur if a company deliberately disposes toxic chemicals, and it results in harming others.

Additional Examples

Other examples of intent torts include defamation, libel (written defamation), slander (spoken defamation), fraud, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment, conversion (taking someone else's property and converting it to their own), trespass to chattel (interference with personal property), trespass to land (using someone's personal property without consent), deliberate infliction of emotional distress, and more.

Talk to a Trusted Personal Injury Lawyer

Each type of deliberate wrong-doing has its own components, which can affect the outcome of a victim's injury claim. If you were recently harmed by someone who had intent to hurt you, it is important to discuss your case with a seasoned accident attorney. They can give you the best advice pertaining to your unique claim.

Source by Sarahbeth Kluzinski

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