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Common Types of Medical Negligence Cases

This article examines some of the most frequently experienced types of medical negligence cases.

Birth Injury Claims.

Sadly birth injury claims are definitely some of the most common medical negligence claims that we see. At a period in their lives where parents should be looking forward to the arrival of a baby they also need to be wary. So what are the potential problems with birth injury claims? Here are the most common complications:

* » Injuries to the baby, including Cerebral Palsy, Brachial Plexus Injury or Infant Death.

* » Injuries to the mother, including Vaginal Tears and Episiotomy Complications.

With any birth injury complications it is important to raise any concerns about the treatment (or lack of it) at the time of the birth so that immediate action can be taken to help the baby or the mother.

Failure To Diagnose.

Failure to diagnose a serious medical condition (such as cancer) is another common cause of medical negligence cases. The failed diagnosis, or late diagnosis can cause potentially fatal consequences as treatment that might have cured or delayed the onset of the condition may no longer be successful. This can lead to increased pain and suffering for the victim which can lead to a claim for compensation.

These types of cases can be particularly stressful for the victim if they have been complaining of symptoms for sometime and the doctor or surgeon has not been quick to correctly diagnose the illness.

Untreated Fractures.

Another common medical negligence case involves the failure by a doctor or hospital to correctly diagnose a fracture, or the failure to diagnose a fracture at all. This can lead to the patient causing further damage to the bone in question, and if the failure to diagnose the fracture relates to a neck or back fracture this can have dire consequences.

A second opinion can often correct the situation where a patient is continuing to complain of severe pain whilst a fracture remains undiagnosed and untreated.


Perhaps one of the most distressing types of medical negligence case occur when a wrong amputation takes place. This can be as simple as the hospital removing the wrong leg or arm, or a limb being amputated only to discover at a later date that there was no need for it to be removed.

Hospital Superbugs.

In recent years there has been a lot of news and stories about hospital superbugs. The two most common types of superbug are MRSA and C Difficile (commonly referred to as C Diff). The lack of cleanliness of the hospitals is the main reason that a medical negligence claim can subsequently be made. The Government has set new targets to improve cleanliness and remove the incidences of Hospital Superbugs contaminating patients whilst in hospital and this is slowly reducing the number of medical negligence cases.


There are many different types of medical negligence claims, but the ones listed here are certainly amongst the most common ones. One important consideration is that thankfully most people attend hospitals for their treatment and return home without any complications or problems.

Source by Nick Jervis

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