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Could a Slip and Fall Accident Lead to a Lawsuit?

A slip and fall accident in the United States of America can turn into a personal injury case if in the situation, a hazard or danger of some sort was present on the property and was neglected by the property owner; and as a result, this hazard caused harm to another person by causing them to lose balance and hit the ground. This type of dangerous situation can result in serious injuries, and sometimes, not right away. After such an accident, many people get right back up and go on with their day, only to notice weeks later that they are having severe back pains or other injury related issues.

Tort Law

A slip and fall lawsuit is categorized under Tort Law, meaning the injury was caused by someone else's negligence, or someone else is going to be held accountable for your injuries. If a property owner knows about a potential danger lurking on their premises, or a hazard of some sort, they are obligated by law to take responsibility for the danger immediately. If the hazard is never tended to, and it subsequently causes another person harm or loss, then the owner can face legal damages.

Losing balance and hitting the ground can cause a number of injuries to a person, ranging from minor to major. Some minor injuries include sprained ankles, broken toes, lesions and bruising, scrapes, burns, and scratches. Some major conditions are broken backs, hips, or necks, shattered pelvis, knocked unconscious, and worse. Things to look out for so that you may avoid this potential type of case are uneven and uneven floors, dimly lit areas, slick surfaces, and weather conditions. These can all contribute to an injury from tripping and falling to the ground.

Hire a Professional for Guidance

If you are ever involved, or have recently been involved in a slip and fall accident, it is recommended to hire a personal injury attorney to represent your rights. A victim can recover damages for lost wages, medical bills, legal fees, emotional distress, and more. The law is tricky and hard to understand unless you are trained in the industry.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help with any type of case in your city. To further understand your rights as a victim of injury, you want to consult with a knowledgeable attorney that can speak to you in a language you can understand. Don't let a serious accident stop you from collecting what's rightfully yours! Get compensation for pain, suffering, lost wages, and more with the help of a licensed professional.

Source by Sarahbeth Kluzinski

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