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Driving Safety Near a School or School Bus

Driving near a school or a school bus can be dangerous if motorists don't take proper precautions to ensure not just their own safety, but the safety of children in the vicinity. Here's a guide to help you understand the right protocol to follow as a motorist in a school zone, or near a school bus.

Picking up or dropping off children at school:

  • Every school has a system to pick up and drop off children. Make sure you educate yourself on the rules of the school and adhere to them

  • Don't double park because it reduces visibility for other drivers, and can endanger students

  • Park in the allotted areas (these have been designed keeping in mind the safety of students), and take permitted turns while navigating the school grounds. Avoid making U-turns and three-point turns.

  • While driving, watch out closely for children on bikes coming onto the roadway from between parked cars. Also keep a safe distance of at least 3ft between your vehicle and the motorcycle, and always check your side-view mirror before exiting your car

  • As a rule, ensure that your child is safely buckled in with the seat belt or in an age-appropriate child car seat before starting the car. Also, make sure your child enters or exits the car only via the 'safety door' which is the rear door on the kerb-side

Driving in a school zone:

  • Don't exceed the 25mph speed limit imposed while driving in school zones. Most often this speed limit is imposed in school zones between 8 a.m. and 9.30 a.m., and 2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Motorists must adhere to this speed limit even if there are no children in sight

  • Slow down when approaching a school crossing

  • Do not proceed past the school crossing until the crossing supervisor's hand-held sign is no longer displayed, or until he/she indicates that you can continue

  • If there is no crossing supervisor, but 'CHILDREN CROSSING' flags are displayed, the motorist must stop and wait until all the pedestrians have crossed the road

  • While driving through a school zone, avoid honking as it might scare children and cause them to stumble or fall in the way of oncoming traffic

Driving in the vicinity of a school bus:

These tips will help you drive in a safe, responsible manner while driving in a school zone, or near a school bus. If you would like to share your thoughts or suggestions of your own, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a comment below!

Source by Tyler Webster

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