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Driving School Business? Driving School Insurance is a Must

You are planning to start a new business-A driving school. The vehicles have already been purchased, the instructors are ready and the location is the ideal place you were looking for. But have you got Driving School Insurance? If not, do it. For a thriving driving school business, driving insurance is a must.

Driving school insurance is aimed at the instructor who would have to reel under the stress of minor accidents all the time. Driving instructor insurance adds value and saves money in the long run. How? The insurance covers - all parts of the car, the entire fleet of vehicles, damages from fire or in the event of theft, damages to the parts of the car, and even legal protection. Some insurance companies also offer no-claim bonuses, and cover the instructor in a pupil's car at the time of the accident.

One day test cover insurance comes in handy during mock tests or drive, or on lesson days. They are very important and instructors usually go for 1 day test cover during test drives. These types of insurance are immediate and extend from a single day to 28 days. One day test cover insurance also works well for a new car, temporary or hired vehicle.

The precautions while going for driving school insurance include:
o Check out the premium costs. Higher premiums can eat into the profit of the company.

o Read all the instructions carefully, even the ones in small print, as they may have hidden costs and charges.

o Do a lot of research on the different companies offering insurance. Check their websites.

o Talk to other driving school instructors

o If you don't understand the technical clauses, ask for an explanation

o See if there is complete cover for loss of the vehicle

o Check to see if the insurance covers non-fault accidents (accidents that happen through no fault of
the instructor. This was introduced to prevent insurance companies evade paying the insurance cover when the vehicle is relatively undamaged, though the instructor is).

o Talk to the experts in the insurance company you are interested in.

Some of the insurance companies also calculate the insurance premium individually for the instructors. This may work out well for small driving schools, as the cost of the premiums would be less. However, bigger driving schools should go for a comprehensive complete cover for all the instructors. This would help escape the paperwork and save time. It may also be better to go for providers with many insurance companies under their belt. This would help in comparing the offers and premiums instantly. The experts would also be available at hand, and help select a policy and company perfect for you.

Also check to see if the information furnished by you is accurate and clear. Inform the insurance company of any previous accidents or claims. As only registered drivers are admitted in the insurance, get yourself registered before you apply for driving instructor insurance. Do not carry goods or passengers in vehicles meant for training.

Source by Rakesh Gaikwad

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