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Effective Networking for Lawyers

Whether you just passed your state bar or have been practicing for over 20 years, networking is an essential part of your career and business. Lawyers represent a wide variety of industries in private, non profit and corporate practices. Although, it can be very specialized there are similar generalities which lawyers can put into play for big networking success.

Listed below is the number one tip for effective networking in your career or business.

Network through Meetings

Lawyers are up before the crack of dawn. Whether they are putting finishing touches on a proposal or contract or briefing for a meeting or court session. They are constantly attending meetings and promoting their agendas. What better way to network than at these gatherings. You could be attending a leads generation meeting in the morning or afternoon. This is the perfect opportunity to polish your elevator pitch and properly ask for referrals and leads. You could be attending a board meeting with fellow colleagues. This is an excellent chance to pass out your business cards and follow up for a coffee, 1-on-1 or a consultation. You could be actually meeting a client and can use that opportunity to offer more services or products once the transaction is complete. Perhaps you have a monthly formal association meeting. This is yet another opportunity to promote and market your brand. Your goal could be to find partners or brand ambassadors rather than customers and clients.

Being networking minded in your professional endeavors and interactions is the basic key. Search out opportunities to assist others and further your business objectives. Show that you are serious about your work and desire to build a compelling network of trusted advisers.

Hopefully, these practical tips can keep you moving in the right direction. Using your communication skills and extending your value at these meetings can lead to amazing results.

Source by Chi Chi Okezie

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