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Essential Oils - Healing Broken Bones is Not That Hard With the Right Healing Oils

Recently I slipped on ice and broke my arm. Luckily the bones were not displaced-a simple fracture of the head of the radius bone as shown on x-ray. What is significant is that the pain was greatly lessened by applying certain essential oils that are anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. Can essential oils help the healing process? In my case, absolutely! When bones are fractured, there may be swelling, internal bleeding into the area, nerve and even tendon damage. Applying ice and in my case splinting my arm to immobilize it greatly decreased the pain. Here are the essential oils that I used to get back full use of my arm in half the time someone of my age would take.

Helichrysum italicum also called Everlasting, was the first oil I used for pain and swelling. This is an outstanding oil that has several great medical properties. It is known as an anticoagulant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, antiviral, a liver protectant, detoxifier and stimulant, chelates chemicals and toxins, and helps to regenerate nerves.

Next I applied lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) for its anti-inflammatory action and its ability to regenerate connective tissues and ligaments. Lemongrass also dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, and promotes lymph flow. Lemongrass can be a little warm to the skin because of its high aldehyde content, so the third oil I chose was high in monoterpenes which served to quench the warmth.

Idaho balsam fir (Abies balsamae) is 98% monoterpenes making it an outstanding anti-inflammatory oil. It also has anticoagulant properties and is known as a great oil for arthritis/rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica. Plus the smell of balsam fir is that of Christmas trees-very refreshing and an improvement over the heavy lemongrass fragrance and "weed" smell of helichrysum.

The fourth oil I used was a blend called Trauma Life. It is a blend of valerian, lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, helichrysum, spruce, geranium, davana and citrus hystrix. This particular blend helps to release buried emotional trauma from, in my case, the accident, but it also helps release emotional trauma from the death of loved ones, assault or abuse. It combats stress and uproots traumas that cause insomnia, anger, restlessness, and a weakened immune response. The valerian component of this oil certainly helped me to rest better since getting my arm in a comfortable position was a bit of a feat.

Many other essential oils have been found to be helpful in bone healing including wintergreen, peppermint, spruce, pine, ginger and vetiver. The key is finding out which oils are going to be most helpful for you. I found a formula that worked for me.

Source by Linda Lee Smith

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