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Health Insurance Company

Health insurance is a form of insurance where the insurance company pays the medical costs of the insured person in cases the insured becomes sick due to covered causes of the insurance policy, or due to accidents.

To get the best health insurance policy, it is necessary to evaluate the health insurance company and its affiliate health care network. The first thing that has to be done is to get free quotes from different health insurance companies. This is easily available on the Internet, wherein you fill in some details to get your health insurance quote. Another thing that has to be taken into consideration is the health insurance company's financial ratings. This gives us the financial strength of the health insurance company, and whether it is capable of clearing claims made to the company. The ratings can be found out though free resources like Moody's, A.M. Best and Weiss and eHealthInsurance, which are all found on the Internet.

Next, check the employment and educational histories of the doctors associated with the health insurance company. Trusting the physicians and feeling content with the care you receive from the health insurance company is invaluable. Customer satisfaction is another criterion for choosing the right health insurance company. The health insurance company should respond quickly to your requests and questions. Information on patient satisfaction with a health insurance company is difficult to come by and may have to be paid for.

There are two types of health insurance companies: group health insurance companies and individual health insurance companies. The group health insurance companies handle health insurance for large groups of people, like the employees of a company. The individual health insurance companies handle health insurance for self-employed people and professionals.

Source by Kent Pinkerton

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