Getting a personal injury attorney who is worth his/her salt and knowledgeable enough in prosecuting and recovering for damages incurred as a direct result of semi truck accidents is of the utmost importance in the best chance that you will get fair and worthwhile compensation for your personal injury claims.
Retaining a big rig accident lawyer is even more critical to ensuring that you are not left to deal with the aftermath alone, but that you have someone protecting your interests and whose interests are aligned with yours.
Thousands of individuals met their untimely deaths and others are maimed for life year in year out as a result of 18 wheeler crashes. Countless numbers of people are victims of accidents causing them severe, life-changing and life-threatening debilitating injuries. The injured parties seek compensation for the injuries and deaths when they believe another was at fault. The best way to do this, is to retain the services of an a reputable and experienced 18 wheeler accident attorney.
How to Select an Attorney for a Truck Accident
Probably the best method of selecting a qualified attorney for commercial vehicle accident is other attorneys. Just as though, a primary care physician may refer you to a specialist that they feel is very well qualified, a general practitioner will know the most qualified of the truck accident lawyers in your area. If you do not know an attorney personally, another way of selecting a qualified attorney is to look at some of the rating institutions such as
The Martindale company is a service that gives ratings to attorneys which ratings are given by other attorneys on a blind sample basis. Look for an "AV" rating from an attorney in your area that lists truck accident as the primary focus of their practice. Alternatively, other more general rating companies such as AVVO are available to start your research in looking for a qualified and experienced truck accident lawyer.
A word of caution, there are many companies that appear to be rating or giving awards to attorneys and the awards are based primarily on a financial relationship between the attorney and the company. Further, the cautious with online reviews that do not disclose the name of the reviewer.
Do I Really Need A Truck Accident Lawyer?
There are many attorneys who handle personal injury claims and most of those would be qualified to handle a truck accident case. However, commercial vehicle accidents are a niche practice in that the rules and regulations applying to truck drivers and motor carriers are unique to that industry.
Selecting an attorney who has developed a reputation in handling commercial vehicle crashes can be a valuable benefit in not having to reinvent the wheel so to speak. Attorneys who handle truck accident cases on a routine basis are better positioned to know the defense attorneys who defend these type of claims and also the expert witnesses frequently necessary to prosecute a case.
In the end, should your case require litigation, the process can be very lengthy in some cases can take even years. It is important that you are comfortable with the attorney you choose at the outset and that you have every confidence in their ability to handle your case. Selecting an attorney who has dedicated similar cases to conclusion can give an accident victim some level of comfort.
Source by Gregory Baumgartner