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How Home Insurance Lawyers Can Help Resolve Your Case

Terri-Lynn Robinson's entire life was turned upside down when a dispute with her ex-husband went disastrously wrong. As he packed to move out, he decided to take revenge. He retrieved a BBQ lighter and lit the entire length of their bed skirt on fire. With her in the room. Within minutes, her bedroom went up in flames. While Terri was able to escape, her home and life were in shambles. Her house, an object of arson, was uninhabitable. She turned to her insurance company, who responded by denying her claim. Their reason was that, since her ex-husband was on title, the damage was caused by the home-owner and thus was not covered. Terri is a victim of spousal abuse; she lost her home during the dissolvement of her marriage. When things couldn't get worse, she was told that she was on her own. Insurance that she had paid for would not be stepping in. Terri was left to pay the mortgage on a "rotting shell" while she lived in a shelter. She could not afford the repairs on her income, and she now faces the very real possibility of bankruptcy and the loss of the rest of her possessions. If you've found yourself in a similar situation, a home insurance lawyer can help.

This Happens More than you Think

Terri-Lynn is not the first woman to be a victim of spousal abuse and arson. She is definitely not the first to have claims wrongfully denied. The tragic outcome of these denials can be complete loss of quality of life and home. Home insurance lawyers are the connecting link between these horrible tragedies and a successful outcome. Lawyers fight for your rights and your insurance claims. Insurance is paid so that it is there when you need it the most. It is a tragedy that this money is lost, leaving you out of pocket for additional expenses that you cannot afford during the worst periods in your life.

Lawyers get Results

Insurance companies are just that: companies. Companies exist to make money. In addition to this, there is a lot of scrutiny over insurance claims to insure that a claim is not fraud. Unfortunately, this type of scrutiny often leaves the homeowners on the short end, with their claims denied. Home insurance lawyers are familiar with the laws and regulations surrounding insurance and claims. If your claim is denied, your next best move is to call for help.

Most home insurance lawyers work on a commission basis. This means that they do not get paid until you do. They understand that your current situation has already created financial strain. Hiring a lawyer should not add more stress to your current situation. If you can get the help you need to fight a claim that should be paid. To get the money needed to repair your home and life without the out-of-pocket expenses, make the call. Home insurance lawyers are there to fight for you. They are the middle liaison that understands your situation while having the legal knowledge to work in your favor. You paid for your insurance to be there for you. A home insurance lawyer will take the time needed to make sure that this is exactly what happens.

Source by Marcus McGowan

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