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How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer

Do not select an attorney because of his nice commercial.

You have probably seen plenty of advertisements in your television set regarding personal injury law firms. A wise decision will be to ignore such advertisements. However, it does not mean that the firm is not qualified, but it does not mean that what is in the commercial is true. Most promise what they cannot deliver and probably they are not even the best for your case.

Pick the right lawyer

You state definitely has very many and varying types of qualified lawyers, most of whom are desperately searching for clients. After you have made a list of all the law firms and lawyers, narrow down to those that specializes in personal injury law. This will help you find lawyers with experience in cases similar to yours. For example, if acquired a head injury due to slip and fall, search for a lawyer with experience in that field.


This involves asking around from friends, family, and even your family lawyer for a suitable lawyer. In addition, you can check for all operational personal injury lawyers in the local bar association. Your insurance company can is also another good source of recommendation for great local lawyers. All said, it is advisable that you hire a lawyer with a good track record or with trial experience.

Interview several lawyers

This is one of the best ways to finding a good personal injury lawyer. This offers you an opportunity to learn about their experiences and qualifications. In addition, check if they provide free consultations. Sometime you may be having financial constraints, in such a situation look for lawyers who work on 'no verdict, no fee' basis. Also, inquire of the individuals' litigation procedure and if he/she communicates the proceedings.

Check their background

Most of the times you will be approached by attorneys, asking you to allow them represent you. Be wary of their backgrounds. Such lawyers have either no enough experience or want to build their reputation. Well-established and qualified lawyers do not solicit for business.

Ensure that the individual knows the state laws

Personal injury state laws vary greatly depending on injuries sustained and the legal situations. Some states spend a lot in road carnage awareness. Such laws pass strict laws that protect victims of auto crashes and road accidents rights.

Record of accomplishment

If you go looking for a lawyer's education level alone, you will probably make the worst decision. Certain states/provinces require their attorneys to meet some minimum qualification to practice law.

Therefore, the best way to find a good personal injury lawyer will be by checking their experience and record of accomplishment for a fair settlement.

Source by Collins Nyadero

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