It was the year 1992 that began the use of the term forensic nursing. It was a team of around 70 nurses who started it all. The first case of forensic nursing began with the diagnosis of forensic team was an examination of a sexual assault, this examination and the team effort led to the formation of an international association known as IAFN or International Association of Forensic Nurses.
Nursing in forensic is quite different field than general nursing; forensic is that form of nursing which deals with collecting evidences and dealing with the victims. There are many investigations that are performed and these investigations depend upon the forensic nurses and the kind of work they do. Nursing in forensic also deals with performing various death investigations and even they deal with criminals and even victims of sexual assault. There are other works too that at times comes under forensic nursing, these might be counseling of any child who has gone off track, and there are chances that at times in nursing you may be even asked to train your colleagues to fight with injuries and treat patients with injuries.
Forensic nursing is basically a specialized clinical job which comes in picture at the time of any accident or even policing activities. The numbers of career opportunities in case of nursing in forensic are vast and these are ample career opportunities that are available. Forensic nursing is required in investigatory fields. There are chances that forensic nurses may get jobs with FBI or even other detective agencies. Mostly the work is within those agencies which are related to crime investigation or even other investigatory purposes.
Importance of forensic is on a steady increase and with the crime rate increasing day by day the use of forensic nursing field is also increasing. Forensic has become an important part of everyone's life similar to the detective agencies or other security as forensic deals with finding out the exact reasons behind the crime and putting the motives and the evidences in right place.
Clinical nursing can be described as a new perspective in the field of science and investigation that deals with the management of crime and victim related activities. Forensic nursing has opened up lots or resources for nurses and has made their job more challenging and even interesting. Field of forensic has been a boon for judiciary and even it ahs stood out as the paramount of success in many ways and many a times when defining and giving way to any deferred case of investigation or any crime.
The scope for women in field of nursing has improved and thus it ahs given them freedom to explore other side of their profession too, and has also given a valuable tool in the hands of judiciary with the help of which judiciary can nail criminals.
Not only the criminal aspect but also professional aspects forensic nursing is a well paid job and nurses can lead a good well settled life after it.
Source by Ethan Edison