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Information About Driving Licence Offense Codes

Driving convictions usually result in a fine and points on your license. Typically, these endorsements are records, which are kept against the offender for minimum of four years and maximum of up to eleven years depending upon the seriousness of the motor offense. The offender can view his or her records online and check the penalty points and the term associated with the offense. You can be disqualified from driving if the number of points accumulated exceeds 12 within a 3 year period or less.

Codes and Fines

Each offense and endorsement is identified with its own unique code and has certain penalty points associated with it. There are different kinds of offenses, such as:

• Accident related
• Driver disqualification
• Careless or irresponsible driving
• Vehicle condition
• Dangerous or reckless driving
• Insurance

• Miscellaneous

Some of the offenses with their codes and penalties are shown below.

Accident Related Offenses

Offense Code / Description / Penalty Points

AC10 / Hit and Run case. The driver fails to stop after involved in an accident / 5 - 10
AC20 / The driver fails or deliberately fails to report an accident within 24 hours / 5 - 10
AC 30 / Miscellaneous accident offenses / 4 - 9

Disqualified or Suspended Driver Offenses

Offense Code / Description / Penalty Points

BA10 / Driving a vehicle when it has been disqualified by a court order / 6
BA30 / Attempting to drive a vehicle whilst suspended or disqualified by a court / 6
BA40 / Causing death by driving whilst disqualified to drive / 3 - 11
BA60 / Causing serious injury on a disqualified license / 3 - 11

Offenses for Careless Driving

Offense Code / Description / Penalty Points

BA10 / Driving a vehicle when it has been disqualified by a court order / 6

BA30 / Attempting to drive a vehicle whilst suspended or disqualified by a court / 6
BA40 / Causing death by driving whilst disqualified to drive / 3 - 11
BA60 / Causing serious injury on a disqualified license / 3 - 11

Using a vehicle in a poor condition

Offense Code / Description / Penalty Points

CU10 / Driving a vehicle with faulty breaks / 3
CU20 / Creating a hazardous situation by driving an unsuitable vehicle / 3
CU30 / Driving a vehicle with worn out or damaged tyres / 3
CU40 / Driving a vehicle with a defective steering wheel / 3

Reckless Driving

Offense Code / Description / Penalty Points

DD10 / Dangerous driving leading to a serious injury / 3 - 11
DD40 / Reckless or dangerous driving / 3 - 11
DD60 / Manslaughter due to reckless driving / 3 - 11
DD80 / Causing death due to dangerous or reckless driving / 3 - 11

These are some of the offenses along with their penalty points and their description. For more information in regards to offence codes, please visit

Source by Joe Meakin

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