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Irresponsible Drivers Causing Road Accidents

No matter how safe and focused you may be as a driver, you can still be involved in a road accident. Most of the time being in a road accident is simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time - there is nothing you can do to stop another driver's mistakes and carelessness.

Living in an age of digital distractions, there is only so much that we can do to be safe on our roads. You could be driving along, take a cursory glance at your Facebook profile, and find yourself having crashed into the back of someone. Your next status update may be from a local hospital bed!

It's not just the public affinity for social media that is causing road accidents however. Below are several of many reasons you could be involved in an accident.

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

You may be unlucky, and end up in a road accident simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If this was to happen to you, and you have experienced injuries it is crucial that you pursue your full CTP Green Slip Claim Entitlements. Independent helplines are a great place to seek injury compensation advice.

Mobile Phone Usage

Talking, texting, tweeting or all of the above can be very dangerous when driving, and can easily lead to a road accident. If it can't wait, a simple solution is to just pull over to take a minute out of your day and stay safe. Safety isn't the only reason to stay of your phone while driving either - fines for using your mobile phone while driving are getting more and more expensive!

Drink Driving

Drink driving is, and always has been a serious contributor towards road accidents. Even if you do drive your car to a venue and have a few too many, there are many alternatives to driving your car home. Taxis, Public Transport, Calling a friend and one way car transfer services are just a few, all of which being infinitely preferable to the danger of drink driving. Causing the death of an innocent person or a loved one is one lapse in judgement away when drink driving, one that could haunt you for the rest of your life.

Drug Driving

In recent years, driving under the influence of drugs has also become a serious issue, not unlike drink driving. In Australia, driving under the influence of class A or class B drugs is a crime, and is extremely dangerous.

There are many other causes of road accidents including stress heads, speedsters, nervous drivers (Sunday drivers), road rage, disruptive passengers, in-car conflict, and people with medical problems such as epilepsy.

If at any point you have been involved in a car accident, it is important that you speak to someone, such as an injury advice hotline to find out exactly where you stand. This will ensure that you received your full entitlements under the law, and help you move on from such an incident and get on with your life.

Source by Cam Williams

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