Many people in the United States drive with a Limited Driving Privilege (LDP) driver's license. After someone receives a license suspension, or is revoked or denied of their driving privileges, he or she may be eligible for a limited or restricted driving privilege license.
Reasons for a Limited Driving Privilege License
If your license has recently been suspended, you could qualify for a Limited Driving Privilege license. The Department of Revenue may grant a LDP license for several different reasons, and you - or your traffic lawyer - can argue that you need to drive in order to get to and from a job, take children to child care, go to a medical appointment, or other important matters and you need your driving privileges to meet your basic life-needs.
A Granted LDP
If an LDP is granted, you will be allowed to drive back and forth to pre-approved destinations. In most cases, submitting an application to the Department of Revenue is the correct way to respond to a suspended license appeal.
Under certain circumstances, you may not qualify for an LDP application to the Department of Revenue, in which case you - or your traffic lawyer - must petition the circuit court. For example, if your driving-record' has an active Denial, you must then petition the circuit court to review your case.
It is in your best interest to hire a traffic lawyer to represent you and aid in your petition to the circuit court as there are a multitude of situations that you could experience in court. A traffic lawyer would best know how to handle your case and can walk you through the process of filing your petition.
Ineligible for a Limited Driving Privilege License
If you are ineligible for an LDP application and have to petition the circuit court, you may be denied an LDP license. The Missouri Department of Revenue states several reasons why you may be denied an LDP, including:
1. You did not complete all the reinstatement requirements designated by the court before your license was eligible to be reinstated.
3. You were involved in a motor vehicle accident and received a suspension due to an unsatisfied judgment.
4. You have served less than 90 days on a Chemical Revocation from refusing to submit a drug or alcohol test.
5. You have received a suspension, cancellation, or disqualification of a commercial driving privilege
Although there are many other reasons why an LDP license may not be granted by the court, these are some of the most common. For more reasons, visit the Missouri Department of Revenue LDP website.
Hiring a Lawyer
The filing and application process for acquiring an LDP is rather extensive and can be very confusing. Understanding all the reasons why you qualify - or don't qualify - for an LDP is very difficult, and hiring a traffic lawyer to aid in the completion of the form or represent you in court can greatly benefit your case.
Source by Rachel Mencel