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Liverpool No Win No Fee

Liverpool is a great town with a huge range of attractions. The town was awarded the Capital of Culture. There are more listed buildings in Liverpool than in any city outside London. The architecture in Liverpool is world-class. Two major attractions are the Anglican Cathedral and the Metropolitan Cathedral.

When thinking of Liverpool you can't help but think about the famous band The Beatles. Liverpool is the birthplace of the Beatles. The Beatles story and other tourist attractions including the Tate Liverpool and the Merseyside Maritime Museum, are based at the Albert Docks.

Liverpool is also famous for the river Mersey. A trip across the Mersey Ferry will give you the most dramatic views of the waterfront. Other attractions include the Knowsley Safari Park and the National Wildflower Centre. There are also two Premieirship football teams, Everton FC and Liverpool. You can tour both of these stadiums to get a behind the science view. Also the Grand National is run here every April at Aintree.

If you are unfortunate to have an accident in Liverpool, then we can help as we are a national firm of no win no fee consultants who specialise in Liverpool Personal injury claims. Lots of people have accidents and do not realise it is there legal and civil right to sue for the damages. If you have suffered as a result of someone else then you should seek advice of compensation damages. Accident consult specialise in free impartial advice for personal injury claims.

The term "No win no fee" can be misleading. It makes it sound as though there will be no costs if the case is lost which is not necessarily true. The looser pays the winners cost as well as any damages. But there is still a risk of having to pay the other sides cost if the case is lost which might include medical reports which are not normally covered by no win no fee agreements. This needs to be addressed further and made clear to people before they start proceedings.

More than 2.5 million people in the UK have accidents each year, and very few claim compensation for their injuries. People who have an accident don't realise how simple it is to make a claim for compensation or simply cannot be bothered. What a waste. If the accident was not your fault then it is your legal and civil right to claim. Many people don't understand the meaning of "no win no fee", and are put off by solicitors because of the fees they charge. And people who have little experience with the legal system are less likely to put in for compensation after an accident. People need to be educated and realise that it really is a simple process, without huge forms to fill out and is really risk free. It only takes a simple phone call to get the advice and assurance needed when thinking about applying for compensation.

So if you have been injured in an accident and you want to be compensated for your pain and suffering and for the money you may have lost through lack of earnings then you should find a solicitor that works on a "no-win no-fee" basis. It is nothing to be worried about, the solicitors will explain how simple and easy it is to make a claim and also how this is a risk free option. There are many "No win no fee" websites around with lots of information regarding the way they operate and also the likely financial outcome of different types of accidents.

Source by Carolyn Clayton

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