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Living Trusts - the Most Important Estate Planning Tool

A living trust is a legal instrument which holds title to the personal assets of an individual person or family, including bank accounts, real estate, LLC and stock interests, etc. Like a will, a living trust contains your instructions for the distribution of all your assets after you die. A primary difference between a will and a trust is that a trust avoids probate, whereas a will does not. Probate of a will requires filing of a costly probate proceeding, newspaper publication notices, letters to all heirs even if disinherited and statutory waiting periods. Also, the records of the probate are public information.

Utilizing an attorney prepared living trust is a method of avoiding this expensive, intricate and confusing probate process. When a person's assets are transferred to their living trust during their lifetime, probate is avoided entirely. After the person who established the living trust, who is called the Trustor, dies, the successor trustee(s), who are usually the adult children or relatives of the Trustor, distribute the trust assets to the designated named beneficiaries. Because the living trust eliminates probate and, often under many circumstances, can greatly reduce estate taxes, it is possible to pass on a much greater portion of your assets to your heirs.

It is a very common misconception that holding property in joint tenancy provides probate protections similar to a living trust, however this is not the case. Joint tenancy only avoids probate on the death of the first joint tenant, but the surviving joint tenant will be left with the same probate problem unless planning is implemented after the first death. This is usually not a good time for planning, due to the life changes and emotional stress and trauma associated with the loss of a spouse. In addition, joint tenancy can also cause a loss of the step-up in basis on inherited property, which can cause unnecessary capital gains taxes. In conclusion, the execution and funding of a lawyer prepared living trust, when both spouses are healthy, avoids probate and eliminates the possibility that a surviving joint tenant may be unable to accomplish future estate planning due to incapacity or an accident.

Benefits of a Living Trust:

Source by Michael Elson

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