Cancer is an abnormality of the cell that results in uncontrolled cell growth. The abnormal cells continue dividing and form a lump or tumor. This tumor if, cancerous can invade other healthy tissues and destroy them. It is at this point known to have metastitize. Lung cancer tends to spread early after it is formed and therefore it is very dangerous and difficult to treat. Although this type of cancer has the ability to spread to other organs like liver, brain and bone, it is also a common site for other cancerous tumors to metastasize. Lung cancer is cancer than begins in one or both of the lungs
Are You At Risk?
About 90% of lung cancers are related to smoking tobacco. The number of cigarettes you smoke greatly increases your risk of getting lung cancer. Quitting smoking greatly reduces your risk. Passive smoking can also put one at risk of getting lung cancer. Passive smoking is inhaling cigarette smoke of a non smoker from a smoker.
Radon is an odorless gas produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in rocks, soil and water. The air eventually becomes part of the air you breathe. Some homes may have high levels of radon particularly on the lower level. Radon testing kits can be purchased to check if home have unsafe levels of radon. If this is so, measures can be taken to resolve it.
Workplace is the common place for exposure to asbestos and other chemicals. When inhaled, asbestos can persist in the lungs for a long time and cause lung disease. People who smoke and are exposed to asbestos are at higher risk of developing lung cancer.
People with family who have the disease are at a greater risk of developing it.
Other factors that can increase your risk include excessive alcohol intake, certain lung diseases like emphysema, air pollution and tuberculosis.
Lung cancer does not usually present any symptoms in its early stages. The tumor may be found through a chest x-ray done for other reasons. The symptoms begins when the cancer is advanced. These symptoms include:
- a new cough that does not go away
- coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
- change in a chronic cough
- chest pain that is dull, aching and persistent
- shortness of breath
- wheezing
- unexplained weight loss
Lung cancer treatment options may depend on the stage of the cancer,the type of cancer, the individual's health. Treatment may not be an option when the side effects out weigh the benefits. In this case, the doctor may give supportive treatment to treat the symptoms of the disease like shortness of breath and pain.
Source by Jeanne Abayie