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Making a Workplace Accident Compensation Claim

Workplace accidents happen on a too frequent basis as more and more employers make profits more important than the health and welfare of their employees. Whilst the economic climate might make things quite difficult financially for businesses, they still have a duty of care to protect employees working on their premises.

If you have been injured recently as the result of a hazard or risk at work, it's time to take action. Whether you were not given the right equipment or made to work with faulty equipment, you will have the right to make a claim. Your injury could also be the result of lack of training in which case you should also get in touch with a workplace accident claims company.

Many workplace accident compensation claims state that long periods of time off work were experienced. Most companies will only pay equipment, you will have the right to make a claim. Your injury could also be the result of lack of training in which case you should also get in touch with a workplace accident claims company.

Many workplace accident compensation claims state that long periods of time off work were experienced. Most companies will only pay you for a short time before switching off your pay completely. This means you'll be left with no money for your mortgage, your bills or your living expenses. This is why making a workplace accident compensation claim is more important than ever before.

Why should you be made to suffer when an accident in the workplace was not your fault. If you previously alerted your employer to the dangers and they did nothing to remove the hazard, they will probably face charges on negligence grounds. Your employer has a duty of care under Health and Safety law to protect you from hazards in the workplace.

Many workplace accidents occur because of faulty or unsuitable protective clothing, defective equipment or lack of adequate training. Injuries can range from the minor such as an eye infection caused by workplace substances to the loss of a limb and even death.

The most important thing you can do when you have suffered a workplace injury is to get in touch with a personal injury team to speak about your injury and how it happened. They will then be able to tell you whether you have good grounds to make a workplace accident compensation claim. In most cases, when the accident was not your fault you will be eligible to start the claims process. Make sure you choose a compensation claims company that offers a no win no fee promise.

Source by Sridhar Krishna

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