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Mesothelioma and the Importance of Good Nutrition

Everyone knows and acknowledges that the key component to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate good nutrition into your diet, particularly if you have mesothelioma cancer or some other health-compromising disease. Individuals who have mesothelioma can greatly benefit from consuming a nutritionally rich diet, which will undoubtedly fluctuate as they go through their treatment protocol and will require a great variety of nourishing and wholesome foods.

Consuming a health conscious diet that consists of all the necessary nutrients the human body needs can be an overwhelming challenge in general. However, people who suffer from mesothelioma and other types of cancer may find it even more difficult to adhere to a healthy diet plan. Eating a well balanced diet is especially important for people with mesothelioma even though they struggle with nausea and appetite loss since nutritional foods help sustain energy, boost the immune system and ward off free radicals that may trigger cancer. Additionally, proper nutrition is vital to diminishing the detrimental side effects that some mesothelioma treatments can incur.

Mesothelioma victims cope with various nutritional requirements since cancer treatments may produce side effects that are relative to nutrition. For instance, a patient who receives chemotherapy or radiation therapy can experience difficulty eating on a regular basis since these types of treatments are recognized as producers of intense nausea. Also, post-surgery patients are generally weak and therefore have a hard time eating proper foods. Other cancer treatment side effects that could sabotage an ideal nutrition plan are overall pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, difficulty swallowing, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, depression and mouth sores.

It is crucial to maintain a nutritional diet before, during and after cancer treatments since undernourishment can cause weakness, exhaustion and leave a patient vulnerable to infection. Frequent dietary issues many cancer patients face are not consuming enough calories and protein, which are critical to promote healing, stave off infection and maintain energy levels. A well-balanced and healthy diet can result in a better outcome for the patient.

Here are a few nutritional suggestions for fighting mesothelioma and staying healthy while enduring cancer treatment protocol.

- Keep your body thoroughly hydrated to expel harmful toxins that accompany certain cancer treatments

- Discuss an optimal diet plan with your dietician that is personalized to specifically meet your needs

- Consider a low-carb diet while integrating high amounts of healthy protein-rich foods which help restore impaired tissues due to surgery or other various mesothelioma therapies as well as boost the immune system

- If you are experiencing difficulty swallowing or nausea, consume softer types of foods or vitamin-rich liquids. Create healthy fruit smoothies or consume ready-made liquid diet supplements if solid foods are intolerable to you

- Incorporate healthy fats into your diet to maintain energy levels and avert depression

- Avoid extreme weight loss by eating high-calorie foods, which include real cheeses, milk and butter if you are experiencing a loss of appetite

- Consult with your doctor or medical practitioner to be sure you are getting an ample supply of the essential nutrients your body requires

Source by Sarah Livingston

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