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Moving Traffic Violations

A moving traffic violation occurs when a vehicle in motion violates a traffic law. The most encountered moving traffic violations are speeding, driving without a valid driver's license, driving without insurance, driving under the influence (DUI) and reckless driving.

  1. Speeding You might receive a traffic ticket if violate the law restricting the speed at which a vehicle may travel. There are two types of speed restrictions:

    • Absolute speeding restrictions that specify the maximum speed allowed in certain areas. If you get caught driving one mile over the specified speeding limit you are eligible to be charged with a traffic violation. While not impossible, absolute speeding tickets are very hard to fight in court.

    • Presumed speeding restriction that requires the drivers to drive their vehicles at a speed is reasonable certain circumstances. For example, if the speed limit on the highway is 70 MPH, but during rush hours all the vehicles are traveling with 75 MPH, you might be allowed to go over the specified speed limits. You may still get a speeding ticket. The determination whether or not you committed a traffic violation is at the police officer's discretion. Presumed speeding tickets are easier to fight in court.

  2. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) In any state you are committing a traffic violation if operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. The DUI law makes it unlawful to operate a vehicle if:

    • Your ability to safely operate a vehicle is you are under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or prescribed medications such as painkillers

    • You are intoxicated under a level above DUI standards, which varies state by state.

  3. Driving Without a Valid Driver's License In most states you are committing a traffic violation if:

  4. Reckless Driving Many states have laws to prohibit the drivers to operate a vehicle in a way that shows reckless disregard for the safety of other people. Called 'reckless driving' in some states, or 'careless driving' in others, it is considered to be one of the most serious traffic violation. Some acts that are automatically considered 'reckless driving' include but are not limited to:

    • Driving 25 MPH or more over the speed limit

    • Racing another vehicle

    • Refuse to stop when prompted to and trying to elude a police officer.

Source by Gordon Petten

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