Nurseries in general face unique exposures. Insurance policies are written on an individual basis as per the related risks of each operation.
The wholesale Nursery outlet typically cultivates all types of plants, flowers and trees out of doors in open fields and sells mostly to retail garden shops. The nursery wholesaler also typically sells fertilizers, seeds, garden tools and other planting supplies.
In contrast to the wholesaler, retail nursery outlets usually store their products inside the protective warmth of greenhouses.
Some nursery wholesalers and retailers also offer landscaping service, as well as landscaping architectural designing.
The above factors are why the insurance industry places this group in the specific agribusiness class, subject to related insurance programs.
Tailored insurance policies incorporate liability exposure and greenhouse management programs.
Those nurseries that use pesticides and herbicides in greenhouses or open fields or off grounds, as well as those that have above or below ground tanks for storing chemicals, herbicides and fertilizers are required to carry coverage for pollution exposures.
There is an elevated risk in this industry for worker injuries due to the fact that there is so much heavy lifting, as well as exposure to the nurseries' chemicals. That is why workers comp is such an emphasized essential insurance coverage. In addition, there are unusual types of exposure in relation to nursery equipment as well as many trucks on site.
As far as crop insurance coverage goes, in this instance it is connected to U.S. Federal Insurance syllabuses.
As a summary, the following types of insurance coverage can be part of a nursery's policy as a bundled indemnity package.
• Commercial General Liability
• Property Coverage
• Business Income Coverage
• Commercial Umbrella Liability Coverage
• Crime Coverage
• Workers Comp Coverage
• Pollution Coverage
• Professional Liability Coverage (for the landscaping architectural designing aspect)
It is advisable to meet with a representative of an independent insurance agency that has a broad base of carrier connections. This will help the agency better understand your specific operation and your specific needs in relation to a tailored insurance plan. It will also help the agency define what premium discounts may be applicable in your case.
Please understand that not all types of coverage or discounts are accessible in each state. In addition, differing coverage options can be subject to various conditions and exclusions.
Business is hard enough without worrying about all the possible accidents and other exposures. Precise insurance commercial insurance takes the worry off, allowing you to focus on what you as a nursery shop does best - conduct your Nursery business!
Source by M Wyzanski