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Offshore Oil & Gas Safety Officer: The Roles & Responsibilities and Qualifications

Toolbox meeting is part of daily routine for Offshore Oil & Gas Workers. Main reason is to identify hazard and to ensure all safety pre-cautions are in place before and during execution of works. This toolbox meeting is monitored and supervised by Safety Officer. Safety officer is also another interesting jobs. For those who are interested to become one, below are the safety officer roles, responsibilities and qualifications.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    • Assist Management in developing and implementing their HSE plans and advise on operational safety matters related to the works.

    • Co-ordinate and conduct inspections/audits of facilities and activities to ensure compliance to safe and good work practices in accordance to statutory requirement of the Factories and Machinery ACT and all safety Procedures.

    • Have the ability to communicate in written and spoken English & Local language.

    • Give safety presentation with the objective to enhance the Health, safety and Environment awareness of all workers.

    • Assist in accident investigation, reporting and monitor their follow up in accordance to safety procedures.

There is a popular saying among Offshore Oil and Gas personnel about safety. It is "Come in One Piece & Back in One Piece"

Source by Sulaiman Sabur

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