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PIP: Insurance Coverage That You Want Together With Your Auto Policy

Ever hear of PIP? For those unfamiliar, we'll give you the long form name for this form of coverage. Personal Insurance Protection is an extension of an auto insurance policy that is an optional coverage in some states, a required coverage in others and not available in still other states.

What is it?

PIP or Personal Insurance Protection is a medical insurance that protects you or your passengers if there is an injury from a car accident. If you have acquired it, PIP will cover medical costs and more even if you are responsible for the accident or collision.
Understandably, the coverage is also known as 'no-fault insurance' due to the nature of coverage not being dependent on liability.

Of course in states like New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Florida where the Personal Insurance Protection is mandated, drivers need only get a minimum required amount of coverage.

This is where the insurance professionals put in their advice.

"Don't get the minimum amount of PIP coverage," they say. "Even if you find your overall auto insurance premium on the rise due to our recommendation of at least $250,000 in the associated coverage, you'll be thankful if the need arises."

The ensuing example of a policyholder illustrates the truth to the claim.

A man did not like the fact that his car insurance would increase with the acquisition of $250,000 in PIP so he decided to stay with the status quo of $15,000 in related PIP coverage and no increase in overall auto premium.

But luck was not on his side in this case.

After getting into an accident and remaining in the hospital for two days, the associated bill was over $45,000!

This was a hard lesson, spurring him on to requesting additional PIP coverage as recommended by his agency.

"Like me," he said, "most folks do not comprehend how important an adequate amount of health related coverage is in regard to vehicle protection. I learned the hard way that it pays to listen to the professionals who understand the impact of an accident - something that can occur at any given moment anytime. "

Personal Insurance Protection can provide the following coverage after a crash that may result in injury.

• Medical costs, rehab costs, ambulance, medication, durable medical equipment
• Loss of wages if applicable

• Substitute of service by the injured party, if applicable
• Funeral costs if injury leads to death and if applicable in coverage.

For more information about this important coverage, speak to the experienced professionals.

Source by M Wyzanski

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