It's me again. Some of you hate to see my articles, for obvious reasons. But some are happy. Those of you who are bad police officers or the relatives of bad cops hate my guts. Those of you who are plain citizens or even maybe the family of good and honorable cops have no problem with me.
In case you don't know me, or this is the first time you've read my articles, I'm the revealer of rogue cops. I have dedicated my life to this cause.
Earlier this evening, I was speaking with author Steve Peach ( Good, Bad Corrupt Officers ) another revealer of rogue cops in California, an ex swat officer (glad I'm not alone). We were discussing why we have taken on this dangerous mission as well as rogue cops and their superiors. The answer is quite simple: a strong sense of duty to correct that which is simply wrong. Steve was not rogue, I was, but the end results are the same. He hated rogue cops and I hated myself.
What is it that causes a police officer to violate his oath? To violate common decency? To travel the same road as a common criminal? To rape, kill, unlawfully cite or violate his fellow humans?
Surely you will say power or some other connected issue, but the main reason might surprise you--low self esteem and worth! That's mainly why he joined the force (yes, me too). Most of these officers had no solid family structure or values. In many cases no parents, a lack of a parent or no loving parents. They also were never held accountable for their actions and in some cases, were commended either verbally or silently when they did something wrong.
And then comes the problem when they reached the age to become an officer. They searched for a vocation or job that would let them compensate. They desired to fit a mode of respectability and honor, so some chose to become police officers or attached themselves to any law enforcement agencies (yes, the FBI, sheriffs, state cops, or even some security guards are rogue).
I know this is a deep subject I'm speaking of, but trust me, if you or your children ever run into these people, your life will never be the same. Their unfair tactics and procedures will cause a good citizen to resent law enforcement and the law in general.
If you've read my book called COPOUT, you will see clearly how I was raised and you could also see where I was going. I was reared by my grandmother, a loving lady who did the best she could with nine siblings. But she was too old, too frail, and too sickly to fully do the job.
There is a simple reason why parents were meant to have children while they are young. The parents should be vibrant, active, healthy, and youthful to keep up with a younger version of themselves. Sure, some children do well as adults without a stable home or family, but that's the exception, not the rule. Usually they had some other role model or some guideline to set the example.
So in closing, in my humble opinion, fathers, love your children and give them the assurances they need. Mothers, embrace your children and never forget to say these three words: I LOVE YOU!
If you don't, don't expect God to love you. If you can't love what you see, how can you love what you've never seen (GOD)?
And finally, to all rogue cops, it's never too late to change. Change now or you will pay the price later. I did!
Source by Robert Davis