Each of us has had certain points in our work life where we want to either scream, punch someone, or storm out of the office. While this may seem like a good answer to combat your stress, don't do it! There are many positive and helpful hints you can use to get that anger and stress out of your system.
While stress is a part of most of our jobs, it doesn't have to linger and ruin our day. You can take control of it. If you foresee a long meeting or a difficult confrontation with a co-worker, think about what you can do beforehand to make it less stressful. If you have had a long busy day, take a moment to re-charge, knowing it will help your attitude and production for the rest of the day.
Think about the types of activities you enjoy doing, that help you relax, give you energy, and boost your happiness. Incorporate these into your work routine. If you love to be active, consider taking a walk around the block or even just around the floor of your building to help get your blood pumping and endorphins releasing. If you are easily moved by music, bring your mp3 player to work and take a moment in the afternoon to close your eyes, turn up the music, and meditate. If you like to bounce ideas off someone, take a 5-minute break to talk to a trusted friend or family member, and let them help you find a solution to your current problem (be sure to talk to someone outside your workplace, who has an objective opinion.)
No matter how you combat it, choose today to overcome work related stress, and take control of your attitude and atmosphere at work.
Source by Thomas Radcliff