It is time that you reap the benefits of 2010 debt relief assistance that the Federal govt. is providing in form of the debt settlement consumer protection act. The US economy faced a deadly recession in the recent past and thousands of people lost their jobs because of this. They failed to repay their debts and became defaulters. Eventually, they filed for bankruptcy. Once they filed for bankruptcy, they lost their credibility and failed to get any further credit from the creditors for the next 7-10 years which followed. This happened because of the fact that the report of bankruptcy filing continued to show up on the credit history for that period of time.
The creditors on the other hand suffered as well. This is because of the fact that once the consumers file for bankruptcy, they fail to get back their liquidity and as a result, they fail to cover up the costs that they have. They lost their financial equilibrium and approached the verge of bankruptcy. It is because of this reason that the economy as a whole lost equilibrium and the problem of recession became more serious.
To take care of the situation, the Federal govt. came up with the debt settlement consumer protection act and declared tax breaks for the consumers. At the same time, the govt. also pumped in billions of dollars of stimulus money into the economy. Tax breaks and stimulus cash was made available to those creditors who agreed for settlement deals. When the creditors agreed for settlement, they lost a part of their money and incurred loss. To take care of the loss, the govt. reduced the amount of the taxes that the creditors pay and also helped them in covering up the costs with the stimulus cash. The creditors found this interesting and they opened up for the settlement deals. This is how the consumers can get relief assistance in 2010 and get rid of the debts that they have with the help of the debt settlement consumer protection act.
Source by Percy Wilson