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The Meaning Behind The Apparent Dream Story

Even though the superficiality that prevails in our absurd world distorted the real meaning of dreams, Carl Jung's research and my research help you accurately translate the meaning of dreams with safety. You are able to understand the wise messages they contain. Thus, you immediately verify that this information is valid. Since you have valid information that shows you the truth about yourself, you verify that this is the right translation of the meaning of your dreams.

For example, a patient submitted her dreams for professional dream translation for the first time. She was supposed to write her life biography besides writing down her dream. However, instead of writing the story of her life in a few words, she wrote her opinion about herself, telling me that she was a self-confident woman.

I told her that she had to write a few details about her past, her childhood, her parents and siblings, her traumatic experiences or anything else that marked her life, but she told me that she already had explained everything about her personality.

Her dream was clearly revealing that she had serious psychological problems. When I sent her my translations and I asked her again to tell me a few details about her past, she confessed that she had a horrible childhood and she had many past traumas. However, she was beginning a new life in another city and she didn't believe that anyone could notice that she was not really self-confident.

She tried to pretend that she was strong and she was merely curious about the meaning of her strange dream, as if everything was fine with her. However, the messages contained in her dream revealed the bitter truth about her psychological reality. This dreamer immediately understood that she couldn't mislead me; I had trustful information about her from the unconscious mind.

The scientific translations are totally different from the superficial interpretations of ignorant dream interpreters who interpret the meaning of dreams based on their personal opinion, or based on scientific research that follows the logic of our ignorant and one-sided human conscience. The scientific method of dream interpretation is a true translation of the meaning of the dream images based on the unconscious logic.

Carl Jung tried to understand the meaning of the dream language like an archaeologist who was trying to decipher the meaning of an ancient language. He respected the unconscious logic and the meaning of the most important images for all civilizations of the world.

He also studied the mysterious documents of the alchemists, discovering many revealing truths about the meaning of dreams thanks to this practice. This is why he is the only one who managed to discover the hidden meaning of the symbolic dream language, as I prove in my work.

My work is a continuation of Carl Jung's work. I precisely followed his steps. Then, I precisely obeyed the unconscious mind.
You should follow my example because your obedience will help you make progress and solve your problems the fastest possible. Don't waste your time with objections. You should be humble and remember that you are ignorant and absurd. Trust the unconscious wisdom and follow the guidance you have, even if it goes against your plans.

You should in fact be afraid of your ignorance and of the absurdity you have inherited into your wild conscience. There are many things you ignore about yourself and the world.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is God's mind. This is why your dreams teach you how to deal with all life challenges. You are informed and guided.

Even if you are atheist you will verify that God is alive and speaks in dreams because this is a fact. All dream images are very well-organized based on the dream logic. The dream logic follows the logic of the unconscious mind, which is based on wisdom and sanctity.

When you will understand how to follow the dream logic and you will also learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols, you will understand the dream language. Therefore, you will be able to verify that the wise messages contained in your dreams can only come from a superior mind. These messages help you solve your psychological and daily problems.
My dynamic method of instant translation from images into words (derived from the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung) helps you immediately understand the meaning of all dreams. You simply exchange dream images with words that you can understand. I made this simplification by separating many dream scenes from many dreams dreamt by different dreamers, and understanding the importance of every image.

In other words, I analyzed every image of the dream based on the dream logic and based on the meaning of the dream symbols, without paying attention to the dream story. This is what you have to do.

I teach you how to discover another story behind the apparent dream story when you look at it based on the logic of your conscience. Behind the apparent dream story, you will find another story that reflects what is happening into your brain and psyche. Your dreams give you information about your reality.

When you look at your dreams based on the logic of your conscience your dreams are incomprehensible, but when you learn the dream language every detail of the dream makes sense. You have to translate the symbolic meaning of the dream images in order to discover the unconscious story.

We can translate literary works based on the dream language, and discover their symbolic meaning. I will give you an example taken from the literary book I wrote after facing a tragic car accident and losing the young friend who was next to me in the car, when I was a teen.

My book was the story of a beggar who wanted to put an end to hunger on earth. He had a terrible enemy; a white rock that lived on the clouds surrounded by many ghosts.

The white rock didn't let the beggar find food. The beggar was revolted with the rock. He also was revolted with the human indifference to his attempts to save the world from hunger.

I started writing this book when I was almost 16-years-old, after the tragic car accident. I believed that the beggar was a big hero and I agreed with his ideas while I was writing his story.

However, when I became a dream expert (when I was 27-years-old) I analyzed this book based on Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation. Then, I verified that the meaning of the white rock in dreams is positive.

To my surprise, I saw that all personages of my book were important dream symbols. My literary book was a treasure for a dream translator. The translation of the symbolism contained in this book based on Jung's method helped me find many answers for questions that my teacher couldn't answer. Carl Jung would surely understand this fact if he could read my literary book.

The beggar represents a mature part of my personality that was feeling weak and impotent after facing a tragedy.

The white rock represents God.

A ghost represents neurosis.

Now I will translate the symbolic meaning of this part of my literary story, to show you the psychological story behind the apparent one.

'The beggar who wanted to put an end to hunger on earth had a terrible enemy; a white rock that lived on the clouds surrounded by many ghosts.

The white rock didn't let the beggar find food. The beggar was revolted with the rock. He also was revolted with the human indifference to his attempts to save the world from hunger.'

A traumatized mature part of my personality was revolted with God because God's image was distorted by my neurotic tendencies.

My neurosis was distorting God's character. I was blaming God for mistakes generated by the human absurdity and evilness.
I believed that God was responsible for the human misery, the same way I believed that God had the obligation to protect my friend during the car crash, if He was real. I became atheist after the accident because I couldn't understand God's sanctity, and I ignored the depth of the human absurdity.

I analyzed every image of this part of my literary book based on the dream logic and based on the meaning of the dream symbols, without paying attention to the story of the beggar (the apparent story). I paid attention to the dream symbols, which helped me understand the unconscious story.

You will observe that you will find another story behind the apparent story of every dream when you will learn the dream language and exchange dream images with words you can understand.

Source by Christina Sponias

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