Finding the best auto insurance rates can sometimes be tricky. It is absolutely necessary to be insured on the roads, though. In fact, it is required, by Illinois state law to have coverage. Some find auto insurance to be extremely expensive but, there are ways to help make it more affordable. Here are some things to consider to find the ideal price of insurance.
Shop Around
Get quotes from multiple insurance companies, including different types of companies. Also, realize that the lowest number does not mean the cheapest.
Consider Insurance While Shopping for Cars
Some vehicles have lower reliability ratings and other factors that contribute to higher premiums. While researching cars it is important to compare potential premiums for each of your options to ensure you are getting the best deal.
Increase Deductible
By increasing your deductible, you can decrease your premium. Just be sure that the deductible is manageable for your budget and that you have enough money saved in case you need to file a claim.
Bundle Insurance
If the insurance agency that you choose offers bundling, take advantage of it. If not, try to stay with the same company for all of your insurance needs. This results in discounts in most cases.
Keep Good Credit
Having good credit helps lower insurance rates. Researchers have found a significant relationship between your credit score and amount of claims filed. Insurance companies tend to rely on this correlation to define your financial responsibility.
Low Mileage Discounts
Research mileage averages and see if you fall below that. Do not be afraid to ask about a low mileage discount. This discount could also apply to you if you are someone who carpools.
Group Insurance
Some people fall into the category of people who receive insurance from their employer or other groups they belong to. Some insurance providers offer discounts on auto insurance to people who fall into this category.
Other Discounts
Ask your agent if there are any additional discounts you are qualified for based on certain qualities such as how you drive, etc.
Purchase 10+ days before you actually need it
By purchasing coverage before you need to use it helps drive down premium costs.
Pay in Full Up Front
If possible pay in full, rather than setting up a payment plan. The amount you save annually will add up.
Get New Policy When You Move
Especially out of state! Some states have significantly higher insurance rates than others.
Older Cars
Buying a brand new car, just released is exciting, but if your priority is lower insurance premiums it is better to purchase models that are 5+ years old. They are considered more reliable.
VIN Number for Quotes
The purpose of this is to see if you are eligible for a discount if you have anti-theft devices.
Go Paperless
Some companies value using less paper and offer a small discount to those who opt out of using paper which is not hard to do in this age if technology. It is a small offering, but it adds up.
Insurance Vocabulary
Be sure to understand what the verbiage means so that you have a good idea of what you actually need covered and what questions you need to ask your agent.
Automatic Billing
This is another way to save over time, similar to going paperless.
Some insurers offer discounts based off of the level of education you have. For example, some offer discounts for college graduates.
Teen Drivers
Teen drivers are known to drive up insurance costs, since they are more accident prone. But, if they are in a college that is 100+ miles away without a car some insurers allow them to be temporarily taken off of the plan. Additionally, most companies offer a "good student" discount implying that they correlate this test of intelligence with responsible driving habits. Proof of a safe driving class can also save some money on teen auto insurance.
Change Insurance When Lifestyle Changes
If you expect to drive less due to retirement or other factors, report this to your insurer. This can reduce the amount that you have to pay for insurance.
Most importantly, be aware of your needs and form a relationship with your insurance agent. Awareness is the first step towards savings.
Source by Ted Quinn