If you or your loved one has been injured in an accident, you may be unsure about your legal rights and what compensation you may be entitled to. Below are three of the most common claims, aside from pain and suffering, which an accident lawyer, experienced in personal injury litigation, can make on behalf of the client.
1. Property damage
When an accident occurs you may wonder who will be paying for the towing truck that comes to the scene to take away your vehicle or how the storage fees charged by the mechanic's shop are reimbursed. Even more important is who will pay for the vehicle's repair, or if it's a total loss, give you a replacement vehicle? The answer depends on whether you have collision insurance for your vehicle and your degree of negligence for the accident. If the other vehicle hit your car in the rear, at red light, it is pretty clear that the entire fault lies with that other vehicle. Its insurance company will be responsible for 100% of the damages, including rental fees, storage fees and towing charges and your attorney will be able to process the claim on your behalf. If there is some degree of negligence on your part, you may want to consider getting property damage from your own policy, under collision insurance provision. Yes, you will pay a deductible, but if your car is damaged in the amount of $8,000.00 and you are 50% at fault, meaning the other company is only willing to reimburse you for $4,000.00, you may be better off paying your $500 deductible and collecting $7,500 from you insurance company, taking into account of course, that you rates might go up next year by a certain percentage. Your car accident lawyer will be able to sit down with you and go over the numbers to see which option is best in your situation.
2. Payments of medical bills
No-fault portion of the auto policy provides for payment of medical, hospital and other health related bills to the claimant's providers. It also pays for transportation expenses (for example if the client had to take a taxi to the medical office), as well as prescription and household help expenses, as long as the expense is found to be medically necessary. However, you have a limited time to apply for these benefits and the voluminous forms are often confusing to those who never dealt with the issue. An accident lawyer or a member of this staff usually fill out the necessary forms for every client injured in a vehicular accident and understand the procedure which must be followed.
3. Lost wage claim
If you have been unable to work as the result of the accident auto accident lawyers can make a claim for loss of income on your behalf. Once again the claim is made against the no-fault policy of the client,unless the injury happened on the job and Workers' Compensation is primary. Either way, your Accident lawyers will be able to explain what percentage of your lost wages can be recovered, if there are any offsets or additional benefits available.
A motor vehicle accident can be traumatizing and difficult for all involved. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, experienced team of trial lawyers understand the dynamics of car accidents, and make sure your claims for injuries result in the highest level of compensation possible.
Source by James Wilkens