To understand the role and responsibilities of personal injury lawyers, firstly you need to understand what are they expected to do and when can you seek help from them. You should know that a personal injury lawyer is particularly helpful in case you are injured or hurt due to the negligence of other individuals, entities, agencies or companies. They help you to fight for your rights at the court of law and help you to get proper compensations and justice in both the cases of psychological and physical injuries.
It is the sole responsibility of a personal injury lawyer to prove negligence, mistakes, errors, or wrongdoings of the other party before the court of law and fight for providing you justice. These attorneys are basically solicitors who specialized in law related to personal injury cases. S/he should have proper knowledge about the rules and laws of the state in which s/he is operating. For example, a lawyer based in Irvine, California should be well versed with Californian laws. Following is a list of the tasks that an attorney is expected to do:
* Gathering records and reports
Gathering information related to the case is one of the prime tasks of a personal injury lawyer. Gathering papers and documents related to police reports, eyewitness statements, medical documents, and other documents that might strengthen the case. Gathering proper documents and papers is of utmost necessity as the availability of proper documents can make or mar a case altogether!
* Interviewing
It is the responsibility of a lawyer to interview you, witnesses, doctors who have treated your injuries, police officers dealing with the case and so on. After listening and taking down notes based on the interview, a lawyer is supposed to assess the importance of the case, the amount of compensation you are entitled to, and if the law firm would at all be interested in the case.
* Creating and filing documents
Based on the interviews and the documents he has gathered a paralegal is supposed to create papers like letters, court filings, notes on the records and interviews he has thus obtained. He is also supposed to make documentation on communication with clients. He is also expected to research well on the case and prepares himself well to help you turn the case in your favor.
Do you need a personal injury lawyer? Irvine, California based Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm is the best place to search for an experienced personal injury lawyer. Kenneth G. Marks himself prides in having over 29 years of experience in the field of law.
Source by Alice M Shown