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What Are The Standard Types of Halloween Insurance?

With Halloween approaching fast it is time to go shopping with your kids for spooky costumes to make trick-or-treating all the more exciting! This is when you get to enjoy the fall season by decorating your home, picking out pumpkins to carve and indulging in caramel covered apples! However, amidst all the fun and enjoyment, there could be risks such as your car and house being vandalized or someone getting injured on your property. Most insurance companies don't provide coverage specifically for Halloween, but you can protect your home and car from Halloween-related risks through these different policies.

Homeowner's Insurance

Vandalism is one of the most common occurrences during the Halloween season. Homeowners have often woken up to find broken windows, damaged fences or graffiti scrawled grotesquely on the walls. Risks of fire could be imminent if you use candles for decoration or to light Jack-o-Lanterns. Homeowner's insurance will help to cover against these liabilities by compensating for the damages to your property as per the deductibles stipulated in your insurance policy. In case the house is unlivable for a while, arrangements can be made for a temporary home. Stolen possessions also fall under this policy if there has been a burglary.

Personal Liability Insurance

Pranks often go wrong on Halloween resulting in injuries, which could lead to medical costs. If you have hurt someone, personal liability insurance protects you by covering the court and compensation costs. On the other hand, if it is you or a family member who has been injured, your health insurance policy will take care of the expenses.

Automobile Insurance

Vehicles are not spared from being vandalized - in some cases they are egged or the paint is scratched off. At times you might end up with cracked windows, a broken windshield, or deflated tires. Expenditures for repairs will set you back quite a bit depending on the extent of the damage, so a comprehensive car insurance policy is the best way to protect against these incidents. If there has been an accident with significant damage to the vehicle, the collision clause will cover the expenses. The liability portion takes care of your medical charges if you are injured in an accident.

Before you start celebrating Halloween, double check to verify your insurance policies are sufficient in protecting you - talk with an insurance agent and work out a comprehensive policy today! Please leave your comments below

Source by Robert B Rice

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