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What Brings About Malignant Mesothelioma?

Exposure to asbestos is one of the most common causes of mesothelioma. Over 50% of mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. This exposure can occur directly during handling of the fiber material or can occur by environmental exposure.

There are many documented cases in which patients of the disease lived close to asbestos or coming into contact with asbestos when some of the fibers were converted into the air. The most affected are ship builders, construction workers, car mechanics (in particular brake lining work), insulation workers, pipe locksmiths and radiators and workers ground and ground. Roofer.

In addition, for those who had exposure to asbestos and smoking as well, the risk is exaggerated. Studies show that asbestos workers who also smoke are 55 times more likely to die from mesothelioma than non-smoking without exposure to asbestos.


Erionite is a mineral that has a long and thin structure, such as a rod amphibole. Exposure to this mineral is associated with an increased incidence of mesothelioma. Many cases of mesothelioma due to exposure to erionite have been diagnosed in the central anatolia region of Turkey.

Erionite is a brittle, fibrous mineral found in areas where volcanic and ash were exposed to the elements, usually alkaline. It is bright or white, and erionite looks like wool or glass.

As the mineral asbestos, erionite can be dangerous extremely if it is disturbed and released into the air. Also just like asbestos fibers, erionite microscopic small fibers can be inhaled and enter the lungs.

Once inhaled, their size can undermine the natural filtration system of the lungs and deposit in the Mesothelium, a protective lining surrounding vital organs. This in turn can lead to a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. The exposure to erionite more is closely linked to the mesothelioma of the abdomen (lining of the stomach) and the pleura (lining of the lung). It also seems to be linked to fibrotic lung diseases and lung cancer.

Erionite is not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), although it shares many properties with asbestos and presents risks.

Asbestos is the main cause of malignant mesothelioma in most patients. If you or a loved one who are exposed to asbestos, you are in danger.

There is no minimum exposure level as safe. Make sure that during your health care routine, tell your doctor about previous exposure to asbestos, especially if you have a feeling of breathing difficulty, dyspnea, chest pain or cough. Although these symptoms do not indicate the presence of a disease they are the most common symptoms and should be further investigated when exposed to asbestos.

Source by Frank Amankonah

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