When you make a property insurance claim, what you may not know is that your insurance company will appoint a loss adjuster. This loss adjuster will claim to work on an impartial basis, fully evaluating your property in order to give you a fair result for your insurance claim. However, it may be the case that your loss adjuster may miss important details when examining the damage that has been done to your insured property.
In this case, it is advisable that you use a public loss adjuster, also known as a loss assessor, who will be able to work on a fair and impartial basis. A loss assessor will make sure that you gain your full entitlement in the case of a property insurance claim, whether it is fire, flood or impact damage. A loss adjuster who works for the public can be counted on to work to achieve a fair result for both parties within the insurance claim.
Their role when your home is damaged will involve looking at your property and ensuring that all damage is accounted for, so your insurer can give you a fair payout at the end of your property insurance claim. The loss assessor must ensure that all damage is caught within the first survey, and that this damage is included within a damage report to the insurance company. This avoids the complicated process of having to reopen the insurance claim and incur extra costs.
The loss adjuster will also ensure that the contractors who work on your property restore your property to a standard that prevents the property from suffering from lingering problems, i.e. damp surfacing later as a result of water damage within the walls. However, this damage may often not be associated with the previous incident of damage, which is why it is important to prevent this damage reoccurring in the first place.
A good loss adjuster will report all signs of damage to your insurer and are able to make sure that the result of the insurance claim is fair for all parties involved - both the insurance company and the policy holder. They will also be regulated by the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, in order to guarantee a reliable service when you need it most. It is also imperative that they are transparent throughout the claims process, updating you with any changes that may have happened within the claim so you are not in the dark during the process.
Source by Phillip Rimmer