In dog bite law, the one bite rule stipulates that a dog owner is only liable to be responsible for any attack their dog causes after the first one. The reasoning behind this ruling is not as simple as it initially appears, and has its roots in laws that first arose in England almost 250 years ago.
At the time the one bite law was enacted, it was extremely common for domestic animals to roam freely throughout the pastoral and even urban parts of England. It was thought that because they were domestic animals, and therefore "tame" that they would only bite when provoked by an aggressor, and as such the animal's initial response could not be helped. After biting more than one person, the animal could be labeled as aggressive, and victims compensated.
The one bite law is still on the books in many states, though not in California, and depending on where you live it could have a serious impact on how you can collect monetary compensation if you or someone you love suffers through the agony and misery of a dog attack.
Sometimes one bite is all it takes for a canine to alter the course of someone's life forever. Most people don't realize that the loveable family pet and stalwart faithful companion can be as dangerous as the most vicious attack dog or fighting hound, if put in the wrong situation. Just because one breed of dog is thought of as safe, or tame, or friendly, doesn't negate the fact if the animal causes significant injury, pain or suffering one and only one time, that the owner of the animal should not have to compensate the aggrieved victims of such a heinous and brutal assault.
Understanding your rights as a victim of a dog bite is crucial to your future health and happiness. If you live in a state where the one bite rule is the law, you need an experienced legal mind on your side to investigate if the dog that attacked you has a history of violent behavior, and if so, how you can go about pressing your legal right to financial compensation for your injury.
If you do not live in a state with the one bite law, and you suffered through the misery and pain of a canine mauling, you owe it to yourself to contact a compassionate and dedicated dog bite lawyer to guide you through your difficult times and take action against the people that allowed their pet to injure you and cause you pain.
Source by Bryan Snyder