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What Is Sonophotodynamicphoto Therapy (SPDT)?

Relatively new for the treatment of cancer, Sonophotodynamic Therapy (SPDT) is a non-toxic therapy used to help cure late-stage metastatic (spread) cancers. It consists of the use of a low-level ultrasound, together with naturally derived sensitizers (to cause a tumor to become sensitive to a substance so as to react to it in a bad way [to kill it]), which work to help destroy tumors that exist within malignant cells, such as those in lung cancer, and breast cancer, etc.

SPDT combines Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), which uses light-sensitive compounds (photosynthetic agents) which when exposed to light (selectively) become toxic so as to target malignant (cancerous) cells, and any secondary diseased cells in the body. However, the negative part of PDT, is that the body is not very transparent to light (it is difficult for light to pass through the body).

Therefore, PDT, is used in combination with SDT due to it having an ultrasound that is able to transmit into the body and attack deep-rooted tumors. PDT is more of an adjunct therapy (an additional treatment that is added to SDT, but is not an essential part of SDT [an extra that has been around for 100 years or more]). SDT is a relatively new treatment - about a decade or so old.

Patients are given two different types of sensitizers before being treated with the SDT's ultrasound, and the PDT's strong red lights, so as to help destroy any cancerous cells. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the use of PDT in the mid 1970's, where it was preliminarily used for the treatment (localized) of various stages of oesophageal, and lung cancer.

Although PDT has been around for many years, it has only been during the last few years that it has really come into the spotlight (combined with SDT) as a successful cancer cure. PDT only has the ability to destroy cancerous cells that are no more than 3mm deep into the body (used for skin and breast cancers), where as SDT can penetrate deeper into the body to destroy cancerous cells (used for cancerous internal organs [the heart and lungs]).

Note: When Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), and Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT) are combined together, they are known as Sonophotodynamic Therapy (SPDT). A successful cancer treatment used for brain, advanced breast, colorectal, lung, maxillary sinus inflammations, prostate, stomach, and skin and epithelial soft tissue cancers. Minimal damage and side-effects are experienced by the patient when treated with SPDT.

Source by Philip A Edmonds-Hunt

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