Being involved in an auto accident or wreck is a traumatic experience. What to do:
If you feel you're not at fault, i.e. the other person ran the red light and smashed into your car, immediately look for a WITNESS. Get his or her name, address and phone number. Witnesses are super important!!! When you report the accident to the insurance company they'll love this information. It can make a huge impact on the final outcome of the investigation.
If you think you are HURT or INJURED, remain in the car. The police or medics will evaluate your condition and may want to have you taken to the hospital for medical assistance. Moving out of the car could aggravate an injury.
DO NOT MOVE THE VEHICLES and call the police. When they arrive, the police will see the vehicles at the time of impact. This will assist them in their evaluation of what happened. Most states have rules as to when a police report must be made. This usually depends on the amount of damage. It is best just to call the police. Don't let the other person talk you out of this say "We'll take care of this ourselves." It is a crime to leave the scene of an accident. If the other person tries to leave be certain to get the license plate number.
The police will speak to all people involved in the accident and give exchange information. Keep this information in front of you when you call your insurance company.
If your vehicle needs to be towed be sure you get the towing company's information - name, address and phone number.
As soon as possible, report the accident to your insurance company. The company will take it from there. If you are contacted by any other parties involved or their insurance companies, DO NOT give out any information . Refer them to your insurance company with a claim number, if you have it. From here on in your company should assist you until the final disposition of the claim.
Source by Barbara Robertson