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What You Need to Know Before You Call an Insurance Company About Water Damage

When your home or business has suffered from water damage, you have two options in place: you can rant and rail at your insurance company and eventually get compensated for the damages...

...Or you could get your home repaired faster by your insurance company by having these expert tips and techniques up your sleeve!

Stay Calm.

Let's face it - many of us would rather get a root canal than call an insurance company about water damage. However, don't let your frustration or anger rise to the surface, as this is the quickest way to undermine your own efforts to get compensation. Remember, that insurance agent is a person too - and they'll be far more likely to help you out if you're calm, cool and collected.

Know Your Deductible.

Don't rely on your insurance provider to be forthcoming about every detail on your policy, including your deductible. Your deductible will be determined based on the premiums you've paid for your homeowners' insurance; therefore, if your premiums are higher, your deductible will be significantly lower. Find your insurance policy and familiarize yourself with your deductible before making that phone call.

Take Plenty of Pictures.

Before you can collect compensation from your insurance company, you'll need to provide proof of the water damage in your business or home. Use a digital camera that indicates the time and date of the photos, as this will help your claim process faster.

Record Who You Talk To.

When pursuing your claim, there's a good chance that you'll speak to numerous agents. Save yourself a major headache and make sure that you get the name and extension number of the agent you've spoken to. Take notes of your conversation and, if possible, record it. While most insurance companies record these conversations, it's best to arm yourself should your insurance company renege on a verbal agreement.

Source by Chris M. Williams

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