Paul Yeomans was in a horrific accident while riding his motorbike and came face to face with a van driving the wrong way down a one way street. The accident left Mr Yeoman with extensive injuries, his heart had in fact stopped leaving his brain starved of oxygen so much so that he was unaware of his surroundings and would never speak to his wife again. The level of brain damage that he experienced was so massive that medical experts at one stage diagnosed him as being in a persistent vegetative state. They felt the best place for him would be in a nursing home, where he would receive the 24-hour level of care the accident had left him needing.
The injury lawyers representing Rachael Yeomans fought hard to put across a powerful case emphasising the benefits Paul would enjoy if he were allowed to remain at home with his wife and the support of nurses.
Compensation challenge
Following her husband's accident, Rachel Yeoman's looked to obtain compensation from Norwich Union, the van driver's insurance company. After some to-ing and fro-ing between Yeoman's injury lawyer and the insurance company the claim eventually went to the High Court in Birmingham and it was here that the seeds required for the rebuilding their lives following the accident were sown.
In an out of court settlement the couple won a £1.7 million lump sum which will be used to adapt the couple's home which is located near Derby. This ruling must have come as blessed news as it meant that Rachael Yeomans would finally be able to take her husband out of the numerous hospitals which had been her husband's home for the last six years and take him back to their actual home, the place where together the head chef and his wife had created many memories.
New start
Now that the legal battle is over the Yeomans now have the difficult task of returning home and making the monstrous effort of pursuing a life as normal as possible with all challenges currently facing them. The £1.7 million lump sum settlement will go a long way in helping the couple maintain levels of normality within their parameters, for making home adaptations are costly and having the finances to hand to fund such a project will be one less stress for the couple to endure.
In addition to the lump sum payout, the couple will also receive £225,000 per year for each year for the rest of Paul Yeomans life. This amount has been allocated to help cover the costs of the specialist nurses the injuries he has sustained now require him to make use of. This will also aid the couple maintain a level of normalcy as it means that Rachael Yeomans does not have to worry about funding the care her husband requires from her own pocket.
Prior to the accident Mrs Yeomans had been training to be a music teacher, something that has no doubt been put on pause while the couple endured the "long, hard slog" to get the support they so desperately needed. Commenting on the case Yeomans said that while the journey has been "stressful and exhausting" the "overwhelming sense of happiness" when they returned home, made the fight worthwhile. She went on to say that they are "so much more relaxed now" that they are home and that "it's the happiest" she has seen her husband "since the accident".
Source by Onome Okwusa